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"but don't you have a girlfriend?" seokjin said feeling his cheeks heat up. he was not expecting for the man he's been crushing hard on to ask him out like this. he wasn't mad about it either, but slightly confused. he didn't want help someone cheat because he knows the feeling of being cheated on. it's painful. it's hard thing to go through. it severely damages someone's confidence. he didn't want someone else to have that feeling.

"girlfriend? where'd you hear that from?" namjoon asked confusion evident in his tone. he was genuinely confused, most people knew of his sexual orientation, not saying he wouldn't date a woman but for a rumor to go around about him in a relationship can really test his patience. people should know not to taint his name with lies.

"i-i heard you on the phone a few weeks ago, you called someone babygirl so i sort of assumed since a nickname like that wouldn't go around for just anyone." seokjin says playing with his fingers and suddenly feeling really bad about assuming things.

"i think you heard me on the phone with my baby sister." namjoon says with a deep and low chuckle. seokjin blushes again, while looking down at his hands in embarrassment. he pipes out a low 'oh' while standing up when the tattooed man had done so.

"so what do you say. thursday night at 7?" namjoon asked standing in front of the older. he places his hand under the purple haired males chin and lifts it so they can make eye contact. seokjin blushes harder while looking in the tattooed man's chocolate covered eyes.

"u-uh y-yeah." seokjin says in a whisper. he wasn't even sure if namjoon heard him. he was lost in namjoon's cunning eyes. they showed his true nature, from their once nervous state that he did a great job at hiding to the confident flame that burned ferociously in his eyes.

"great, here's my number, text me anytime." namjoon says, voice lacking any type of nervousness. he took seokjin's smaller  hand and slid the paper with his number written on it. his hand lingered in seokjin's smaller one for just a few seconds before he winked and walked out of the cafe.

seokjin stood in the cafe with deep red cheeks. his mouth hung open slightly as he stared into space trying to recall everything that just happened.

he has a date with namjoon.

he has a date with namjoon.

he has a date with namjoon.

he has a date with namjoon.

he has a date with namjoon.

after standing shocked for at least 5 minutes, it all clicked. he booked it to the kitchen and ran past a confused sehun. he got into the kitchen and immediately ran up to jaehwan who stood confused.

"heaskedmeoutonadatjaejaeheaskedmeoutonafuckingdate." seokjin squealed, bouncing on the balls of his feet. he felt ecstatic knowing just a week from now he's going to be going out with finest man he's ever laid eyes on, besides himself of course. jaehwan grabbed the bouncing man and shook him slightly by his shoulders.

"say that again, but slower, and in korean please." jaehwan says looking the younger who had a large smile plastered on his face. seokjin breathes in and out slowly trying to calm his racing heart before repeating what he said.

"he asked me out on a date." seokjin says slower this time and immediately perking back up to his hyperactive state. he jumps into the elders arms, wrapping his legs around his waist. jaehwan hands wraps around the youngers thighs holding him as he wobbles trying to keep his balance.

"woah, okay, you're really excited. i'm happy for you, ouu, you should get jimin and taehyung to help pick out your outfit. i'm sure they'd be ecstatic about it." jaehwan says with a smile stretching across his face. he was happy for his friend. it's been 2 years since his last relationship and he hasn't seen him be happy about another person in a while.

seokjin, still in jaehwans hands, wraps his arms around jaehwans neck still squealing in excitement. jaehwan laughs before lowering seokjin on the floor. the rest of the day at work was good for seokjin. he was happy and excited. the boy couldn't stop smiling, even when his cheeks were starting to hurt from it, he couldn't help it.

even when he got home after working he had a hard time sleeping. his heart was still racing as he played the earlier events in his head over and over again. then it dawned on him. he never put the man's number in his phone.

despite it being the early hours of night and he was pretty sure namjoon was probably asleep he quickly put the number in his phone and texted it letting him know who it was. namjoon on the other hand was not asleep at all. he was far from it.

he was attending a gathering for the most powerful mafia leaders. he was talking with someone who had a title just like his. they were both powerful men but in different places. his right hand man, min yoongi, was next to him talking with someone else.

he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he fished it out and saw a message from an unknown number. he opened it and read the message.

'hey, it's seokjin, the barista from coffeehouse. i'm sorry for texting you this late at night but i forgot to save your number so...goodnight, don't mind this'

namjoon smiled down at his phone before saving the number in his phone. he really did want to text back but if he was caught slipping even for a minute in that room, he could be killed by any of the people in there that wanted his title. so instead he just slid the phone back into his pocket, ignoring the look yoongi gave to him.

the two men finished up their conversation finally coming to a truce and ending any feud they had against one another. it was around 2 am when they both left. they got into the limousine and took off on the journey home.

"that was the first time i've seen you genuinely smile in a long time." yoongi says out of the blue. yoongi never looked up, his eyes were glued to his phone as he texted his boyfriend saying that he'd be home soon.

"what are you talking about?" namjoon says coldly. namjoon knew exactly what he was talking about. he just didn't want to admit that the barista that he's been talking to made him feel complete. he didn't want to believe it to be true. he didn't know why either. they'd just met sorta. their first date was soon. how could a man he'd just met make him feel complete already?

"you know exactly what i'm talking about namjoon. you smiled a genuine smile, that's something i only ever see on your sisters birthday." yoongi said shutting his phone down and looking at him. namjoon groaned, really not wanting to talk about this.

"i don't know what you're talking about yoongi, just drop it." he said lowly, while looking out of the window. yoongi scoffed before pulling out his phone, knowing he was going to get him to talk soon. the rest of the drive was quiet, only thing being heard was breathing, and yoongi's light laughs.

they first dropped yoongi off at his studio being that his car was there and he needed to change out of his suit so his boyfriend wouldn't suspect anything. they then dropped off namjoon at his house. he walked in there and jumped in the shower.

he fell asleep quickly, the only thing, well person on his mind was the barista. he, surprisingly couldn't wait for thursday. he still had no clue what he wanted to do but had some ideas...

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