Ch. 1- The problems!

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Your anger pierces someone's heart but the unfortunate thing is you can't feel the depth of that hurt.

The aroma of coffee was mixed in The air. It was cold atmosphere outside which ensured the hustle bustle in the cafe. Some were busy with the projects with their partners. While some were there to enjoy the weather with Their favourite 'coffee'. Some were there to Think over some personal matters. Yeah. Some were busy thinking about the problems in their lives like A girl dressed in a cafe's uniform was busy thinking about her life,her problems that she didn't pay heed for the thing she was expected to do.

"Naira,where are you lost?"  A voice echoed in her ear that brought her out of her thoughts.

She jerked her head to see,Aayna,her co-worker.who was looking at her with a look full of confusion and concern.

"Nothing,Aayna,I was just." She stopped in between as she saw that she had a coffee to serve. She took a deep sigh and shrug off those thoughts which were preoccupying her mind.

"Wait,I have this order to serve. I will come in few sec." She said making her way to the table from where the order was placed.

She neared the table and saw the customer who was very similar of her age. She could only see his side profile but when She came forward,she was  met by the dark brown generic orbs which  she couldn't stop staring at. She composed herself and took a full view of his handsome face. With a chiseled jaw, Striking eyes and messy hair.

Damn! She was checking out a man,which she never did in her whole 19aged life. But this man made her check out him.

That man was in deep thought. He wasn't aware of her presence. So she thought to bring him out of his trance.

"Sir, your coffee"She offered.

He looked up and his heart did indicate something to him which he wasn't able to understand. He eyed her. His eyes dropped to her lips. Which were almond-shaped. He couldn't stop himself from gawking but soon realised this and cleared his throat.

He nodded as she placed the cup on the table, greeted and left. But his eyes never leaving her figure. He looked at her figure until it disappeared.

He took that cup and brought near his lips. While a thought was added to piles of thoughts that was of her. His mind has captured her. Did the heart too?

While She was equally dumbfounded as his face was never leaving her mind. It looked like something was disturbing him. But she shrugged off those thoughts. Which she was trying to do for quite a long time.but was failing miserably. And continued doing her job.

He sipped on coffee while his pain, problems everything was hovering his mind. And was aching his heart. A bitter taste unraveled which brought him into reality. And as soon as that bitter taste blended more. He spit it out. A frown appeared on his face as that mistake of someone making a bitter coffee frustrated him more and his anger rose.

"Manager!" He shouted. Making her jump in her place as that voice reached her eardrums.

All people turned to see him shouting while Naira made her way towards the table from where the voice was coming. She was terrified to see that the person yelling was none other than him.

She fastened her pace but her mind was tempted to slow her pace. She reached quickly and her eyes met his stormy eyes.

"What happened sir,Is there any problem?" She asked in her sweet yet hesitant voice.

"Problem!" He exclaimed mocking her.
"Drink this" he ordered.

"What?" She asked bewildered!

"I said drink this." He ordered in his stern voice.

She took the cup from him and looked at him for a brief moment but could only see him stern. She took a sip and that bitter taste engulfed her mouth. She tried not to spit it out and gulp that. Which was difficult. But she did it nonetheless.

"I am really sorry,Sir"she genuinely said.but seems like that man wasn't in the mood of taking her sorry.

"Sorry!?...did you realise ..what did u do. How are you here..when you don't know how to make a coffee. You know. I will never come here because  here the staff don't know how to work. You must first learn and then work. How come you are here?" He yelled at her. All his frustration and anger was poured down on her by him for just 'ruining his coffee'.

A lone tear escaped her eyes. That didn't go unnoticed by him and pinched his heart somewhere. He left from there as guilt, frustration and anger was not letting him peaceful for which he came here.

He left. She looked up. And wiped her lone tear. various thoughts crossed her mind but she decided to not let this affect her. determined herself to work hard and to be focused but somewhere those words from him has already created havoc in her heart.


Hey guys,I am back with new ff. It's not at all similar to my previous story(ff). You will get to know that in upcoming chapters.

I am waiting for your loveable response!

Bhumi ♥️

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