Ch 28| filling the void!

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I know I can never but
Still I want to
Fill that void
So that I can see you happy again

It's easier said than done. Well it indeed is. Atleast for Kartik who has never thought that he would give someone else his mother's place. But then he never knew that he would get Naira as his friend,his companion who would show him every situation in a new light. Who would make everything easier for him. Who would make him believe that no one can Take anyone's place.

So now,they both were sitting opposite to Sameer, Kartik's father who couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear seeing his son with a Lovely girl.

While Naira has no clue. Why is she called here to have dinner with them. With his father and what does his father want to tell her?

"Yeah.. so first we should have this utterly delicious dinner made by none other than but me. Then I will tell you Naira beta. Why you are called here. Till then don't give stress to your brain." Sameer, Kartik's father asked her chuckling. While she chuckled too. That made the atmosphere light. And soon they had dinner answering general questions about their studies.

After dinner, he started." Well I wanted to ask you something. Can I?" He asked sincerely.

"No need to ask this uncle. You can ask me whatever you want." She answered smiling lightly.

He smiled. "So beta,what did you do to Kartik?"

"What?" She asked bewildered.

"Yes. He came few days ago and told me that I can have my companion. I can marry her and he doesn't have any problem. And the Kartik I know was never like this. So could you please tell me what did you do to my Kartik." He asked chuckling.

"Dad!" Kartik whined.

"What,I am right." He replied and then turned serious. "Naira beta,I don't know how to thank you. But I will say one thing that I am happy that my son got you. I know all this is happening because of you." He was cut off by Naira.

"No uncle. I didn't" Sameer cut off her.

"No beta, it's you who did. No doubt. Because of you. We both are again close. You are the one who bridged the gap between us. And I  really can't thank you enough. Thank you beta!" He told her sincerely.

"It's nothing uncle. Don't thank me. I am glad that you both have solved your differences. It's you both who did this. You both were willing to mend the gap and see you did." She answered smiling.

While both Sameer and Kartik adored her. She was indeed a gem. And they were determined to treat her like one.

"May god bless you beta!" He wished smiling.

"Thank you uncle." She smiled softly.

"Ok,I have one announcement to make." He said.

"What Is it?" She asked expectantly.

"Um..we have got tomorrow's date for marriage. Court marriage. Is that fine with you. Kartik,I have asked you earlier. I am asking again. If you have any problem beta then it's not necessary. If you don't want her to be my wife. I won't give her that place. Answer wisely beta. Because then there is no turning back." He asked him seriously. Kartik looked at the far end thinking deeply when he felt a softness engulfing his hand. He turned to see her holding his hand, pressing it lightly and blinking her eyes In assurance.

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