ch. 9- Used to!

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And when she looked at him with pain written all over face. He did what he felt,he hugged her. A very emotional yet assuring hug that everything will be fine. That he is with her no matter what.

"You are a strong girl Naira, Don't ever let these things break you. And We all are for you. I am here for you. You just focus on your studies and on your career. I am always your back supporting you and you are not anymore alone. Because I am here. Right here with you. Always." He assured her wiping her tears with his thumb. And smoothly kissed her forehead. And hugged her again.

She felt safe, contented and loved in his embrace and those words healed some scars of her heart. They both remain in the hug and that feeling which they felt holding each other was heavenly. And did she tell that forehead kiss was so sweet which engulfed her in a beautiful feeling!

She was feeling butterflies in her stomach having him this close to her. And he couldn't resist the feeling to have her more close. Like that was even possible!

They spent the whole night in each other's company,in each other's embrace.


Few days passed, and they got more closer. Their bond was getting more stronger by each passing day.

It was a new day!
Naira woke up. Got ready and went to college with Ayesha. They were now best of friends.

That night,Kartik told her that Ayesha never let anyone join their group. She is very attached to their group and does't want a wrong person in her group who can break their group. But she made Naira joined. That was a wonder for all.

Naira was surprised to listen because according to her,she did nothing that could led her to Ayesha's good books but she was very grateful to her to let her join their group. Because if she didn't then she couldn't have gotten Them as her friends,and also she would have never known him this closely.

She smiled as Ayesha was as usual ranting about how Varun irritates her in a very dramatic way. Naira was used to this. And also she loved teasing her by taking Varun's Name as that girl is so in love with him but  Ayesha was no less.

She teases Naira when Kartik is with her and makes her blush till her face turn red like a tamato. Naira wondered is really there a spark between them like  a couple has!?

She shrugged off her thoughts as they entered through the gates of college. She felt overwhelmed to be able to study further. If she didn't have take that step,she could never got here. Indeed! We have to leave something behind to get another but why her parents! She misses them badly. Her heart aches and longs to go back and remain in their embrace. Under their protective wings  but till when they will try to protect her from this world.  Someday,she will have to let go of those wings so why not now. Her heart pained as a question revolved in her mind. Will she ever be able to convince them!

She sat on her seat and after sometime Professor came and started teaching. She saw beside her but couldn't see him. She tried to spot him in the class but couldn't!

Where is he?

She tried to listen to the teacher. To lecture. But still something was knocking in her mind telling her something is wrong. Because whenever he took leave,he always told them in advance. She felt empty today without him. Is she getting used to of him?

She tried settling her mind forcefully on the lecture.

She returned with her head hung low. It was so boring today. So empty. Without him. She asked Varun but he also didn't know where he was. Just then she Remembered something. And smacked her head. She has mobile. A device used for communication. So why not to use the technology. It's not that they are living in the era of letters and all.

So her hands rushed and dialled his no. It was ringing. Naira was getting impatient with every ring. But it wasn't picked up. An uneasy feeling settled in her. But she simply walked to her apartment with a slight hope of getting a call back from him.

She had some food and went to Cafe. In hope. Maybe he would be there like always. But seems like god was angry with her. That's the only reason. Because she couldn't see him anywhere.

Is everything fine with him?

This question hovered on her mind so she decided something and called someone.


I know it was a small update,Sorry...

Will try to come up with a longer update.

Tysm for all the love 💕
Bhumi ♥️

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