ch 22| Getting closer!

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Whenever I am with you
The only place I want to be
Is closer!❤️


Kartik was turning and tossing. He wasn't able to sleep after their conversation. It was like Naira has showed him this matter in a new light. He never thought about it this way. And now he just couldn't able to decide how to take that matter. What decision to make!

After trying a lot,he woke up and went out of the camp. Their camps were situated over a hill. He sat on the ledge. And looked at the view under the light of twinkling stars.

He just couldn't believe that his life has changed so much after her entry into his life. Where he was ignoring his father and the string between them,their relation was stretching resulting in breaking some day. And where Naira came and brought them closer preventing that string to break.

What she has done! How she has changed everything in his life for good. He doesn't know how he will ever thank her for all this.

"Ahh!" He turned to see her.

"Oh so you are here. You gave me a fright. Literally!" She tried to slow down her heartbeat by taking a long breath.

"What do you think am I? A ghost?" He chuckled.

She scrunched up her nose at him clearly telling him that she didn't find it funny.

She moved from her place and  came to sit beside him. "Why are you here?" She said raising her one eyebrow and Kartik couldn't help but notice that how cute she was looking doing that.

He coughed bringing himself to the conversation. "I couldn't sleep!"


"Well,same here!" She said shrugging!

Both went quiet after that just gazing their surroundings. It was a full moon night,starry sky was looking so fascinating that Naira couldn't help but admire while Kartik felt the slow breeze blowing through them calming his tensed nerves and he visibly relaxed.

"Ouch!"Naira shrieked.

"What happened?" Kartik asked concern itched on his face.

"Aftermath of looking at sky for long!" She said rubbing her neck, bending her neck either sides to ease the pain and he chuckled.

"How about laying down and then adoring the sky?" Kartik asked smiling.

"Good idea!" She pointed.

And soon she laid down with a sigh looking at the fascinating sky again. It was somehow calming her. And was putting at ease. She didn't know why was she feeling so tense? But she did know that she wanted Kartik to make a right decision. And now she didn't want to touch that topic seeing him calm letting him decide by giving him his own space and time.  But one thought made her heart beat rapid.

Why is she always thinking about him, his life and his decisions. Has she really let him enter in her thoughts,her life!

But that was soon kept back in her mind to think about it later on. As Kartik's voice took all her attention.

"Hope you don't mind!" He said. She looked confused.

"If I lay down!!?" He added and she took a sharp intake of breath.

"I won't!" She said meekly. Still thinking about his words.

He soon joined her and they were lost again in the beauty of nature. But after sometime, Kartik's gaze was fixed on her. It was as if that her Beauty was giving a tough competition to that of Nature's. And after adoring her for long, he really found her more enchanting to his eyes.

She was glowing in a moonlight. Some loose strands of her hair were falling each side of her face. Kartik felt her eyes twinkling as she gazed at the stars and her face seemed ever so calm. That it spread the calmness to his heart too. He never felt this calm and relaxed ever in his life.

"How do you do that?" Kartik whispered as if he would speak a little bit octave higher then this dream like reality will soon vanish.

At that she looked at him and he never felt so happy gaining someone's attention.

"What?" She asked softly!

"Looking this beautiful... (He paused) how do you look this beautiful every time I lay my eyes on !" He said taking her face view now from a different angle.

She flushed. She lowered her eyes in shyness preventing herself from looking at that intense gaze. After sometime of composing herself down,she looked at him who was already adoring her like she was the most Beautiful and precious thing in the world.

After gaining some confidence,she asked. "And how do you do that?" She repeated his sentence. He frowned.

"Do what?"he asked looking directly in her eyes.

"Make me blush like that!." She confessed biting her lips. He laughed amused after listening to her. And she felt stupid saying that. She frowned and slapped his arms turning her gaze to the sky which was now looking less fascinating as she felt someone more fascinating and enciting. But she won't let him know that. Would she?

He tugged at her arm pulling her closer.

"Hey! I am sorry!" He said still laughing lightly.

" For what?For laughing on me as if I am a joker!" She said in annoyance. Now that's the fake or real one. She was trying to decipher. Because who can get annoy with him? With this cute, ever so handsome guy who always makes her feel warm in his presence.

"No ,for not able to resist seeing you this cute with that pout!" He said genuinely. And softly tucked a hair string behind her ear. Caressing her soft cheeks.

She gazed at him through her lashes and let that moment sink in. He came closer and she too shifted closer. As if they wanted to remove that distance.

And soon amidst all that frantic beating of their hearts , the sounds of crickets and wind passing through them. They found themselves getting closer and closer!


Sorry guys, I know story isn't taking its pace but it will soon. I don't want to rush through parts because these moments will only make them realise what they are for each other in actual!

Hope you liked the chapter!

Thank you for all the love ❤️

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