Ch.10| His Pain!

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Naira called Varun And asked for his house's address! She doesn't know how but she was feeling that he might be at his house. But then Why isn't he picking up the call?

When she got the address. She paved her way to his house. His house was nothing like her apartment. It was huge. And was itself screaming richness that reminded her of her home! Where she spent her childhood.

She ranged the bell and soon the door was opened by A man in his forties wearing apron. She looked at his worn face which was now laced with confusion. He raised his eyebrows interrogating her and she could tell by the features that he is none other than Kartik's father.

She abruptly joined her hands greeting him

"I am Naira,Kartik's

Kartik's? Her mind was in faze as she couldn't complete her sentence. Are they friends? Or something more? Or nothing? But that's not possible ..they are something but what? And   she was standing there fiddling with her bag. While Sameer was getting impatient. But was slightly amused as never ever any Kartik's  girlfriend came to house. And Sameer thought he has none but now he was  relieved because he was doubting of him being  a gay.

Just then A whistle of cooker broke her trance. And Kartik's father moved to switch off the gas stove. He came back taking off his apron.

"Come in beta!" He said softly but still that worried expression which Naira saw at the door  was still on his face.

Something was disturbing him!

"Um..Is Kartik at home? Actually " she tried to reason but he cut her off.

"Yes,he is in his bedroom!"  He replied with guilty countenance. She nodded her head.

"May I go in his room,Uncle?" She asked hesitant.

Sameer was surprised at her question. Such a well mannered girl she is! And he nodded slightly smiling and that made Naira reveal a sigh of relief. Finally a smile. She was scared of those worried, guilty countenance.

Sameer led her to the way to his room and now currently she was standing outside his room but unable to gather courage to go inside. She with her racing heart knocked on the door. But a feeling told her that something's wrong with him and uncle. Seeing his worried expressions,she was scared to hell!

"I don't want to talk to you papa,how many times I will tell you that" a broken voice came from inside and now she can't resist herself from meeting him.

"Kartik,I am Naira! Open the door.. please"  she pleaded showing her desperation to meet him,to see him and to ensure everything is fine with him.

Soon a screeching sound of opening of door could be heard and here he was standing in front of her with his eyes blood shot red, his face pale and tears traces on his cheeks. She never saw him this vulnerable.

"Naira,what are you doing here?" His voice came out cold. With no emotions all over his face.

But she was lost..lost in the depth of the pain she was seeing in his eyes... She couldn't hear any word he said. And moved close to him. She tiptoed to reach his height and cupped his face. Kartik stiffened with her soft touch. He looked down at her eyes full of emotions and felt her hand moving on his face. And his heart melted when he saw she was removing the traces of his tears from his face.  

"Why were you crying?" She asked in a whisper still focusing on removing those dried tears and he couldn't help but become a child again as few tears slipped again out of his eyes making her heart cry.

She leaned more close and wiped those tears with her fingers and nodded in no. Telling him not to cry. And he melted in her arms seeking peace. She wrapped his hands around his torso engulfing him in a hug too.

And she felt something wet on her shoulder and her heart thudded again in pain feeling his tears. She broke the hug and took him in his room.

She can't stand him weeping! Like this. It breaks her heart in million pieces.

"Kartik!" She tried to calm him down as when they sat on bed. He didn't leave her. He kept hugging her as if it was relaxing him and making him peaceful. While she also didn't complain and rubbed his back calming him down.

When she felt him not making any movements. She broke the hug and saw him sleeping. She laid him down on his bed comfortably and Looked at him. Her heart pained seeing him. He made some movements in sleep but then she caressed his head comforting him and he relaxed in her soft touch.

What's wrong with him??

Her heart kept chanting this question but she couldn't find the ans.


No offence to LGBTQ+ community. I respect them. So please don't take it in a wrong way.
Thank you♥️

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