Francisco "Pancho" Villa (historical fact)

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Name: Francisco "Pancho" Villa

Class: Rider

Parameters: strength (C++), endurance (A++), agility (B-), mana (C), luck (D), NP (A)

Class skills:
Riding: A
Magic resistance: C+
Independent action: A-

Personal skills:
Battle continuation: A+
Unyielding will: A+
Charisma: C
Revolutionary: A (increases his endurance and strength)


Description:A mexican revolutionary general and one of the most prominent figures of the Mexican revolution

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A mexican revolutionary general and one of the most prominent figures of the Mexican revolution. He was the commander of the División Del Norte in the constitutional army. Villa can be credited with the military victories that lead to the ousting of Victoriano Huerta from the presidency in July 1914. Villa lead in many battles that lead to a decisive victory. (There's a lot more I could say about this guy, but that would require a lot of time that I do not have since I have school, but the point is this man was a legendary military leader that is definitely worthy to become a heroic spirit.)

Noble Phantasm:
División Del Norte (A; anti-army): the division of the constitutional army that Villa had command over is summoned and attacks the enemy they Villa is facing.

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