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7 years ago; Midoriya residence...
7 year old Izuku Midoriya jumped out of bed quickly. Today his mother had promised him All Might themed ice-cream, and a trip to his favourite park. He was extremely excited because it was also his birthday, meaning presents! He could hardly get dressed properly due to his jumping around. He flung himself down the hallway of the small apartment he shared with his mom and surprised her with the strongest hug a child his size could muster.

"Happy birthday Izu! Are you excited?" Inko got out between breathy laughs at her sons antics.
He could hardly speak due to jitters. " of course I am mom! I'm finally seven, and that means I'm even closer to being a hero that can protect you!" He have a lopsided grin once he finished speaking. At that Inko smiled gently at him, with traces of sadness in her eyes.

Why would she be sad you ask? Because at four years old her poor son was diagnosed as quirkless, and according to society that meant he could never become the hero he so craved to be.

Unbeknownst to her, her son had been born with a quirk, but the opportunity to present itself had not yet come.

~~~~Time skip to the park~~~~

"Thanks for the ice-cream mama!" He chirped. She was about to reply, but as she opened her mouth, a massive explosion from behind obliterated her, and anything that she could've said. It had been caused by a villain trying to escape from heroes chasing him nearby.

While both the villain, and the heroes chasing disappeared from sight, Izuku stood there in shock for a moment before it registered that his mom was gone. He let a heart wrenching cry escape him as he fell to his knees and sobbed into his hands.

His mom was gone, and she wasn't coming back. But then why would he still be here? He had been right there next to her as it had happened. Surely the blast would have killed him as well.

That's when  Izuku looked down. He had a gaping hole in the left side of his torso dripping blood, and torn loose skin hanging around his wound. He had been so grief stricken he failed to notice his fatal wound.

And yet again, he asked himself. Why am I not dead? And why can't I feel the pain I should be feeling?

As he questioned himself, he watched in disbelief as the wound started to patch itself up. Slowly but surely, the injury turned into a small barely noticeable scar.

Then it hit him. He had a quirk. All this time he had a quirk. And he couldn't even save his mom. A grim and forlorn look quickly replaced the disbelief shown on his face.

His mom was dead. He was alone now. He had nobody who cared for him. His only friend became his tormentor. He had to leave.

And so little Izuku Midoriya ran like hell. He ran faster than he'd ever ran in his life. He didn't need to know where he was going, as long as it was away from there.

~~~~Time skip two hours later~~~~

He had stopped running about an hour ago, it was dark by now, and he didn't know where he was. All he knew was he was a long ways from home.

He stumbled through the evening letting a tear slip every so often.

Izuku was heartbroken, but he knew that for the time being he had to move on and take care of himself now. Izuku has always been extremely intelligent, an IQ rivalling even that of the UA principal. So he knew that he could find his own way from now on.

A/N: This will be the only chapter with Izuku's backstory. From now on the chapters will only take place in the present (Izuku is 14). I might decide later on in the story if I want to include some bonus chapters from his childhood.

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