Mission Objective; Rescue the Kid

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Weapons warehouse-1:37am

Despite the fact that he lived there, out of instinct Izuku slid in the back window of his warehouse. At this point he had been conditioned to sneak around and be as stealthy as humanly possible.

As much as he loved it, his quirk like all others had a drawback. Depending on the size of the wound he regenerates, he needs to sleep to restore the energy it took to heal himself. And usually a couple of broken/cracked ribs would account for about and hour and half-ish of uninterrupted sleep.

Luckily since it was now early morning it made sense for him to pass out now. And with that he dropped down onto an old mattress laid out on the floor and quickly let sleep take him.

~~~~Izuku's Nightmare~~~~

He was just a child again. Seven years old to be precise. His birthday. His ears were ringing, as an explosion rung out causing his mother to release her grip on his hand.

He turned to see her come out from the explosion completely unscathed and scowling in his direction.

"It's your fault! You could have protected me! You were too weak and useless to do even that! What good are you to me?" She spoke in a distorted voice clearly not belonging to her and trudged towards him with each word. And all little Izuku could do was stand there and take it. For these were the same words that he had been repeating in his head over and over again since that day. To him the words ring true, and there was no avoiding that 'fact'. Even after he had taken down his mothers killer, he still blamed himself and tortured his mind with what could've been. He yelped as her hands met his shoulders. Her finger tips seemed to burn through his very soul, and he fell to his knees feeling increasingly worse.
Izuku woke up in a cold sweat, a single tear running down his cheek. No. It's his fault she's gone. Why didn't he do anything? This is the reason that he became Kitsune. To prove to himself that he wasn't useless. To make it up to his mom. He couldn't save her, but he'd be damned if couldn't save as many other people as possible.

So he sprung up, and got right back to work. Izuku started himself in his rotating chair by his desk on which computers and technology were scattered all around. He had to make it better. He had to save people. And that is just what he'd been planning for the last two months.

——Flashback 2 months ago somewhere in Hosu——

Izuku had had a bad feeling all day, and something in his gut told him to start his patrol early that evening. It had only just gotten dark out and he figured that he may as well.

Instead of leaping across rooftops as per usual, he decided to walk along the streets (there wasn't really anyone around at the moment). And all of a sudden a small girl covered in bandages runs out from a dark alleyway to his left. As soon as she'd seen him she hid behind his legs.

Izuku, having been startled at first merely stood still and allowed her to stay there for a moment. Not far behind her a young man who immediately gave him blaring red sirens in his head stepped out from the shadows as well.

"Eri. Come back right now." As soon as his chilling voice reached the girl (who he now knew as Eri) he felt her begin to tremble with fear.

The man who he would later find out was one Kai Chisaki held his hand out for Eri to take. Obviously the girl was terrified of him, and Izuku took note of this. But she bravely stepped out from behind his legs and took cautious steps back towards the man.

Obviously this girl really did not want to go with that man. But after analyzing the situation, he realized he could have had reinforcements behind him in the darkened alley. And if he engaged in a fight he may put her in more danger. So against his better judgement he watched her be urged away from him, but not without memorizing the mans looks.


Since that day a nagging concern for Eri had been tugging at the back of Izuku's mind. He had eventually done some digging and found out about the identity of the man that had taken her away. Yakuza leader; Kai Chisaki (AKA Overhaul).

As soon as he'd identified him and his location, he'd steadily been forming a plan to rescue the poor kid. And finally he had formulated a plan.

Izuku wasn't stupid. There was no way that he could take on an entire Yakuza if he was trying to protect the girl. In any other circumstances he could, but he couldn't risk her safety. So he would have to wait until the heroes caught wind of them, and could distract them while he helped her escape.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Please tell me if there's a mistake somewhere in here I'm too lazy to go back and edit, so I won't see my mistakes unless their printed out to me! Bye.

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