What a Nuisance

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~~~~9:45pm somewhere in the Mustafu district~~~~

As I jump roof to roof, Eraserhead by my side I think about the reality of the situation. This is my first official patrol in the eyes of the law. All thanks to the offer that was made to me by one Principal Nezu.

The deal was this; if I (Kitsune) agreed to patrol by the side of Eraserhead until I graduated, and attend UA high school in the hero course this year, I would be granted a legal hero license and be allowed to continue my work as a hero instead. I didn't mind any of the aforementioned policies, except for me having to patrol alongside Eraser, and essentially lose all the freedom I previously had. But this was the price I had to pay to get the heroes off my back so that I could save people. There was no way in hell I would be getting another flaming hole through my gut (courtesy of Endeavour) just because I got to a crime scene first. That was a bitch to heal, I was forced to sleep through the rest of my patrol hours that night. And of course since I was young being a student in UA's hero course had been a dream of mine. I just never could because technically I am quirkless and dead to the public.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't totally jazzed to be attending UA, it's just I would be joining class 3 months into the school year. It's going to be awkward for me to just squeeze myself into a class like that. Not to mention my identity is being released to the class I'm in. I'm concerned one 'Kaachan' will be there as well.  I'm also not entirely welcome to the idea of being surrounded by wannabe heroes, that no doubt have heard of me and would love the chance to pummel my poor self.

But alas, this is the price I must pay to avoid being tossed into a jail cell.

"Yo Eraser!" I decided I should mess with him a little bit.

He stopped in his tracks, and turned slowly in my direction. "Can I help you problem child?" The end of his sentence was laced in annoyance.

I simply grinned, and in place of answering him, took one graceful step behind me, and off of the six story roof we had been standing atop. As I fell, I thought about the food benefits I might get for attending UA. I decided last minute not to paint the sidewalk with my blood, and instead opted to end my fall with a roll to minimize any damage I would've otherwise received. But before I could even bother to change my positioning mid-air my dear friend Eraser caught me in his capture scarf, and I was left dangling in the air as he followed my path down the side of the building. When he reached my side, he merely looked disgruntled at my immaturity, but in his eyes I could see his concern for my well being as clear as day (well, on non-cloudy days).

Once he had lowered me safely to the ground once more-keeping me bound in his scarf- he glared daggers at me for interrupting his surprisingly graceful flow across the city.

"Aw Shota it's so nice that you care, but I was just having a little fun! You know I would've been fine!" I managed to speak through my snickering, choosing to ignore how he looked like he'd eaten something horrendous at my words.

After he fully processed my words, he seemed to do an internal double take. "How exactly does that quirk of your work?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy. But no, in all honesty I'm not entirely positive how far I can take my quirk. I know that any physical injuries I get can be healed, no matter how fatal. I haven't gotten sick in seven years, but I do still age. But I don't know if I will ever actually die." I frowned at that last bit, but quickly shook it off and glanced at my newest teacher.

He raised an eyebrow at this and then spoke. "You do know there are quirk specialists out there right? We could have recovery girl test your DNA, to answer any questions you may have." He looked to me for an answer, but all I could do was nod with watery eyes. The truth is, is that I had always wanted to know if I would get to live a normal life. In fact the thought that I might outlive people I cared for, only frightened me.

With that cleared up, we continued on with our patrol, saving civilians caught in the crossfire of villains, and criminals alike.

A/N: Ok! Finally I finished writing this chapter. I am so fucking sorry it took this long. Please tell me your thoughts in the comments. Our boy Izuku, should be in UA within the next few chapters, so something to look forwards to. Alright thanks for being patient guys! Bye!

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