The Hobo Hero; Eraserhead

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Somewhere in Mustafu-11:39pm

Izuku POV

It's been seven years. Seven years of skulking around in the shadows gathering knowledge and strength. Of training my body, and adapting to my quirk. In that time I mastered several martial arts; Jiu Jitsu, Capoiera, Karate, Judo, and at least six others. I did so by finding training dojo's towards the edges of town. I gave fake names, and never appeared at the same place twice. I've been staying in a secluded weapons warehouse just outside city limits for a while, just staying under the radar, and gathering intel.

It's been three years since I became well known as the vigilante-Kitsune. Before people even began to whisper my name to each other, I hunted down and beat half to death the cursed villain that murdered my mother. I only say half to death, because I'm not a murderer, I only wanted compensation for what he had done.

Since then, I've been dropping all sorts of criminals in front of the police station. Detective Tsukauchi is getting pretty pissed off at me for doing his and the heroes' jobs. But at the same time he seems to be glad that I appeared. At first only police officers were after me, but gradually pro heroes began to chase me. And the more popular I get in the public eye, the more people I hear calling my name for help in the dead of night. I'm known to move only under the cover of darkness, and because of this reason (much to the shagrin of the public) there are no clear pictures or videos of me. Only statements taken by both victims of villains, or victims of me have anything close to what I may look like.

Currently I'm running as fast as I can across rooftop after rooftop in hopes of escaping my pursuers, the pro heroes Eraserhead, and (shudder) Endeavour. At some point Endeavour slips out of my line of sight and shoots a powerful blast of fire my way. But due to my skillful dodging, he only managed to singe the heel of my steel toed boots.

After that, only Eraserhead remained. He's one persistent homeless man, I'll give him that. Don't get me wrong- I have a profound respect and adoration for the guy. In fact he's my favourite pro-hero. But I can't exactly take those things into account when I'm trying to escape my inevitable jailing.

In hopes of getting a glimpse of his proximity to me, I whip my head around-big mistake- and end up falling ungracefully down into an alleyway below. Thanks to my metal voice modifying mask, my girlish screech came out sounding more like an annoyed grunt. As soon as I was back on my feet, I found my self tangled up in Eraser's capture weapon.

Thankfully, due to my quirk the couple of broken ribs I suffered from that fall have already healed themselves. I still groan as I sit up though. As soon as I'm sitting up properly Eraserhead is making direct eye contact with my dark tinted goggles. He seemed to be deep in though about something. Seemingly contemplating something about my appearance. Thanks to my mask and goggles though, it would be pretty hard figure out my age. As my build is that of a very muscular man between the ages of  15 and 25 (I am still quite lean though).

Once he realizes we're staring at each other, he seems to escape his thoughts and come back to reality.

He clears his throat before speaking. "Kitsune we meet at last. You've sure been a pain to get a hold of."

Even though I knew he couldn't see it, I gave a shit eating grin underneath my mask. " I'm so very sorry if I caused any issues for you mister hero. If you couldn't tell, I'm evading the law for a reason." I spoke with a dramatic flair, muffled by my voice modifier.

He seemed slightly disgruntled by my reply and mumbled something under his breath along the lines of: 'better things to do- chase childish vigilantes-pain in my ass.'

I snickered a little at that, and decided to finish up our little chat. You see, I had been gradually untangling myself from his capture weapon while he had been distracted.

"Well this has been a most wonderful chat but I gotta go now Eraser." I made sure to speak in the most patronizing tone I could muster, and sprung up from his discarded pile of scarf. I was sure to-unlike me entering to-exit gracefully and disappear into the shadows.

I zig-zagged all the way back to my warehouse only once I had ensured that he hadn't followed me.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I wasn't originally gonna include a ship for Izu-kun in this but decided it will be one of three ships. 1. Shindeku. 2. Tododeku. Or 3. Bakudeku. Please vote in the comments. Also before you go! The next chapter will just be a description of Izuku's vigilante outfit. Ok bye.

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