The Rat Principal of UA

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It's been roughly six weeks since I'd last spoken to Eri. After I had explained The situation to the rat and Aizawa, they took her inside the school and began to chase me around town.

It took me like an hour but I eventually got them off my tail. Since then, I've been doing my regular patrols as Kitsune taking down big and small criminals alike. But I made sure to check in on Eri once every week through an un-guarded window at Present Mic and Eraserhead's apartment. Apparently about a month after I'd left Eri, the two pros had decided to adopt her.

All was normal for me. The same horrifying dream of my mother's death replaying every night. Heroes chasing me down after I completed their jobs for them. Getting what would normally being a fatal wound each night. And proceeding to sleep through what's left of the early morning.

I usually finish my nightly patrol by two every morning, so I still had a little time to kill before I could rest. Things had been relatively quiet this evening and I had become bored. Not even a single hero had come out to chase me yet. So I continued my patrol absentmindedly humming to myself with my arms swinging as I leapt across rooftops.

It seems I had spoken too soon, as in the time I had become distracted (a mistake for a job like mine) a white scarf-like capture weapon had wound its way around my waist. And the man at the end of the 'scarf' was the Erasure hero himself. Equipped with glowing red eyes and levitating hair. Attempting to cancel my quirk it seems. Not like that would do anything to me as my quirk counted as a mutant type.

I ignored this however, and decide instead to make eye contact with him. It's common knowledge to the public that eye contact with me could become very unsettling, very quickly. So he held my gaze as long as he could before he was forced to look away from the piercing look I was sending him. Ha. Funny to think he couldn't keep eye contact with a fourteen year old. How sad.

"How can I help you my dear hobo?" I laced my words with as much sarcasm as I could possibly muster, all the while actually curious as to why he hadn't started actually arresting me yet.

"It seems Nezu has taken an interest in you. That in itself should be horrifying, but he has a proposition for ya kid." Even though he sounded begrudging regarding the reason, he also seemed interested in what the rat had to say to me.

Seeing no issues with a brief meeting, I let a rare smile grace my lips behind my mask. "Sounds like fun! Can't wait to see what the rat has planned for me."

"Good. I was worried it would be harder to convince you to hear him out. It doesn't matter though, just make sure you are at the gates of UA by noon tomorrow." He spoke the first part with suspicion clear in his voice.

"Right, well if we're finished here could you kindly release me from your 'scarf'?" He scowled a bit at me calling his capture weapon a scarf but reluctantly gave in and released me.

We parted ways and I disappeared into the night. A feeling akin to excitement bubbling up in my gut. Based on the extensive reaserach Ive done on UA's principal he was highly intelligent; and when/if he took an interest in something it could not be taken lightly. For when he did, only good things were to come.

~~~~Time skip-the next day 11:59am~~~~

"It's already almost noon and the snarky little brat is nowhere to be seen." Aizawa sounded kinda grouchy about this fact as, he had to skip over his midday nap already.

Nezu's ears seemed to twitch a little at this. "Patience Eraser. I'm sure he'll be here. Give him time."

Soon enough Kitsune flipped in off of a few taller trees by the gates of UA. "I hope I'm not late." He spoke in an almost teasing manner, in which made Eraser bristle. But Nezu simply brushed it off and gestured for the Vigilante and the Underground hero to follow him inside and up to his office.

When they had finally reached the office, Kitsune was overcome with his cursed curiosity and seemed to vomit out the first question that came to mind. "Why exactly am I here? I understand you needed to speak to me, but I can't say I've figured out about what."

All of a sudden the principal had a sadistic looking smile on his face, paired with an evil glint in his eyes that completed the look. "Well Kitsune, you've peaked my interest. And I am aware that you are much younger than you would have people believe. And so I have a proposition for you."

A/N: So I'm toying with the idea of switching to a different POV other than 3rd person, or Izuku. Namely Eraserhead, Nezu, and Shinsou. Tell me your thoughts in the comments! Bye.

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