a happy sort of newness

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Grainy, whispering clouds of mixing greys and whites creates a hazy film over the park. The trees sway with the wind, and Johnny sways back as he sits on the asphalt and looks up to the sky. It was going to rain soon. He was sure of it.

"I hope I'm not bugging you with these questions," Josh says with a laugh.

He's walking to his apartment, this time after coming home from work where he was scolded for talking to Johnny too much on his break. He just wanted to double check and see if he was fine. Besides, their conversations were harmless. Just words and phrases that were comforting, even if the topics were bleak. Still, it made Josh feel at ease knowing his worries were not just his own.

"Not at all! Hit me with another," Johnny says as he jumps up enthusiastically and puts the phone on speaker. No one else was in the park except for him. Otherwise, he would've dreaded doing such a thing.

"Ok," Josh thinks as he turns the key to unlock his door. "What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?"

"Easy. It's what I'm doing right now!"

"You know I can't see what you're doing?"

"I know. I just think it's funny," Johnny says as he lets loose a laugh. It was adorable and infectious and imperfect in all the right ways.

"No it's not!" Josh argues, but he can't help but laugh along.

"But you're laughing!"

"Only because you are!"

They both break into hysterics, feeding off each other's energies. It was nice to have someone to joke with.

"Seriously though. It's basketball," Johnny declares, his tone still playful as he throws his worn, trusted ball through the park's hoops. It swishes through the net with satisfaction.

"Really?" Josh asks in disbelief. "Basketball?"

"Yep. Played almost my whole life!"


"I know right?"

"I would've never pegged you as a sport's guy."

"Really? Now why is that?" Johnny's voice is setting Josh up for a challenge, but the banter is fun nonetheless.

"You seem too artsy!" Josh confesses.

"Well, I'm a man of many talents," he responds as he dribbles his ball and watches it bounce off the backboard and into the net. "Basketball and music. I'm like a real life Troy Bolton!"

"Oh my God you are!"

They both throw themselves into a laughing fit again as Johnny still dribbles and shoots. Josh hears the rest of his roommates come in as he instinctively quiets down. He feels bad avoiding them. They wave for him to get his things and come hang out.

"Hey Johnny? I gotta go. I'm really sorry, but my roommates are going out-"

"Go. Have fun! I'll be waiting for you," Johnny encourages as Josh feels a bit sad. He'd rather talk to Johnny.

"We'll talk later alright?" Josh says. It's not really a question, and Johnny doesn't want to answer. He already knows they will.


"Bye Johnny."

"Bye Josh." Johnny jogs over to his phone and hangs up. He puts it into the back pocket of his black jeans as he takes his ball and goes back to sit down on the ground.

He was right. It's starting to rain.

But he doesn't care. The crisp droplets cool his skin as he spreads out on his back to look up at the sky. They reign down on him as he closes his eyes. The smell of the pavement and the wind through his hair has always been such a warm feeling to him. His white shirt with baby blue stripes blew a bit in the wind, but he didn't mind.

Josh followed his friends out as they all got into Dustin's car. He stalled a bit, looking up at the sky as it drizzled. Something about it was just mesmerizing. The car horn honked, causing Josh to break away from his trance and take a seat in the back.

As they were driving away (to party or go out, Josh didn't know what), Josh couldn't help but feel like he missed Johnny. He didn't know why. He only had known this kid for a few days. Still, a connection was there.

As Johnny still sat in the rain, pondering life, stalling going nowhere and everywhere at once, he sensed it too.

It felt nice.

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