chasing after something i can't place

19 0 3

"So where are you?"

Johnny's voice was eager as Josh walked, no, sauntered about the city. He still wasn't over the fact that Johnny had called him his friend. It sounded childish, but Josh didn't care. He's spent far too long chasing that feeling of being wanted, and now that he has it....well, he doesn't know how to contain himself.

It's a fantastic feeling, having a friend. Knowing that someone came into your life and after meeting you, decided to stay.

"It's been a little while," Josh says with a slight smile. Him and Johnny hadn't talked in a few days, which was unlike them. All they had been doing is constantly talking about everything under the sun. "I'm just walking around downtown." He normally doesn't do this. Being in public usually freaks him out.

The aromas of the different shops envelope Josh's senses. The breweries, the bakeries, the clothing stores; they all felt so familiar, like nostalgia and childhood and warmth. The hustle of some people followed by the leisurely pace of others paints the city as something alive.

"Take me somewhere," Johnny announces, almost like he wants everyone to hear it.

"What?" Josh asks with a cute little laugh.

"I said take me somewhere. I want to feel the city," Johnny proclaims as he draws out the words.

"Well, give me your address then and I'll pick you up."

"No, no, no! I want to experience the city through your eyes."

Johnny takes Josh's silence as one of confusion. He was right.

"And how exactly would we do that?" Josh says as he walks with the flow of people.

"Just pick somewhere, anywhere to go. And describe it to me. Please! It'll be fun," Johnny pleads and whines.

"I suppose I have nothing better to do," Josh sighs, as it was a lazy, uneventful Saturday. He thinks the idea is pretty unusual, but so was he, so he didn't mind entertaining it for a bit.

"Yes!" Johnny exclaims as Josh smiles to himself. He liked the sound of Johnny's excitement.

So off Josh went, searching for an adventure for them both.

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