johnny boy

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As Josh gets ready for the show, he tries to stay positive. But nothing is working. It's like he didn't realize how quiet his life was until Johnny came into it. He tries to smile, but it only lasts a few seconds before it inevitably fades. So, he shakes his arms and his head around while trying to rid himself of the disappointment. Tonight was going to be fun. If not for his sake, then for Chris'.

He gives himself a once-over in the mirror, looking at his black jeans, black graphic tee, and black and white nikes. He sure does wear a lot of black, but the look suits him well. He fixes his dark hair and small gauges in place. He's ready as he'll ever be.

He drives off, nervous but still excited. He's trying not to think about Johnny, but he's failing.

Once he arrives at the venue, he walks in slowly. He's greeted by the smell of food and people having a good time. He's a little late, but he walks in at just the right time. The band is just getting started.

A man, presumably someone of importance to the venue, takes the stage with a microphone.

"And now, please give a very warm welcome to Nick Thomas, Chris Salih, and Tyler Joseph of twenty one pilots!" he exclaims. He puts the microphone on its stand and walks off side-stage.

Josh joins in with the small crowd and begins to clap. The band begins to play, and the rhythm instantly has Josh hooked. Even though he's seen them once before, it's an indescribable experience. Something about the atmosphere is just so raw.

If he's gonna be here, he might as well enjoy it. Make his last night count. As he dances along to the beat and the unique voice of the vocalist, he takes in every detail of the venue. Assorted neon signs line the wall, while the wooden floors and low-hanging ceiling sets the atmosphere as an intimate experience.

He zones out, lost in the music and the lyrics. Chris is an amazing drummer, and the bassist and vocalist are no different. The lyrics are so interesting. It's incredible. Needless to say, Josh found himself having a good time.

After only three songs (one which Josh recognized from his last show, which he thought was called Car Radio), the audience rallies and chants for one more song. Josh joins in as the lead singer encourages the crowd.

He plays around with some notes while he sits down at the piano and adjusts his mic. "You guys ready for this?" The crowd cheers a bit as he continues to play. His voice sounds off, almost like he's trying to sound tougher for the audience. Almost like his real voice is masked. "Alright. We're gonna play Johnny Boy."

The crowd goes wild, but Josh's heart stops at the name of the song. It had to be a coincidence. Johnny Boy is just a nickname, someone average and unimportant. It didn't mean anything.

Josh tried to calm down as the singer went on to make fun of Chris for coming in early on the song. He could barely pay attention. His heart was racing a mile a minute. It was only until the band started playing the song that he could steady himself and focus on the music.

The boy's voice is oddly comforting. The emphasis on certain words and the twang of his sentences were so unique. He's wearing a white shirt, brown belt, light jeans, and some faded, light gray vans. He's got a rubber band on his wrist. Josh lets out a sigh. He knows what that means.

As he sings the lyrics, he flails his hands, shakes his head, screams, shouts, and dances around the stage. At one point he even lays on his piano. He takes so many risks. Josh wishes he had that kind of courage.

Before he knows it, he's chanting the lyrics 'Get up, Johnny Boy' with the rest of the crowd as his chest becomes heavy again. He misses Johnny so much. He misses his laugh, and the way his phone made his voice sound fuzzy, and the way he would talk forever. But the sound of his voice is fading. Josh hates the feeling.

As the concert goes by, Josh occasionally makes eye contact with the singer as he dances along. It feels like the blink of an eye, but soon, the concert is over. The crowd disperses, and Josh makes his way to go talk to Chris.

"Hey Chris!" Josh calls as he catches up to him and pats him on the arm. "That was amazing."

"Oh thanks man! Really appreciate you coming out to see us," Chris replies.

"You guys are seriously going places. I'll have to buy your CD on my way out," Josh says as he watches the crowd disperse out the venue doors.

"You're too nice," Chris says, flattered at the gesture.

"I'll have to listen to it while I'm driving tonight," Josh half-jokes, knowing that he wanted to drive to Nashville as soon as this was done. It was waiting for him.

"You sure you still wanna go? Nashville is pretty far," Chris says, obviously still a bit disappointed.

"Yeah. I just...I have a lot going on. I need to clear my head. Even if it's just for a couple weeks. I'll figure something out." As he says the words, he catches the eyes of the singer, an emotional look on his face. His expression is tense and telling as he quickly looks away.

"Alright man. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." And with that, Chris gets the last of his equipment and waves goodbye to the band and Josh. He waves back.

He walks back toward the standing room and continues to observe the venue. The sweat of the people and the energy of the concert still hangs in the air, suspended in motion. He doesn't realize how long he's been standing there until the singer is the only one in the room. He's on stage, packing up the remainder of his instruments and technology. They meet eyes again. This time Josh tears away.

Josh wishes he could say something about how great he was, but he's too nervous. He makes his way to the back of the room, still not wanting to leave. He wished the concert would last forever. That way, he wouldn't have to go back to real life.

Out of the corner of his eye, he notices that the singer pulls out his phone as he sits on the stage with his head in his hands. He's shaking, but not the violent jerking in his performance. His twitches and movements paint him as nervous. He looks so guilty, like the weight of the world is all on his back.

Josh wonders what's going on, but doesn't want to pry. He turns around to leave, but suddenly, his phone rings. He grabs it from his pocket and looks at who's calling.

It's Johnny.

His whole body freezes.

Josh turns around to stare at the singer, Tyler, onstage as his and Johnny's words suddenly surge into his head.

Black hair like the dead of night, but it's soft and welcoming. Arms that desperately want to hold someone, but push them away. Eyes filled with the worries of thousands, light brown like the trees swaying in the wind. And a soul that no one knows.

The body of a dreamer, always alive and breathing fire. Arms that reach and yearn for love. Eyes that glimmer with all the emotion inside a lonely boy fighting for his life. Oh those brown haunting eyes...they'll tell you everything.

And they both realize who they are staring back at.

They both drop their phones as they run into each other's arms and stumble to the floor.

"I love you too!" Tyler whispers as silent tears roll down their faces.

They both hold on to each other so tightly as they settle into the embrace. It's just how they both imagined.

And in that moment, they both realize one simple truth: they're never letting go.

Thank you so much for making it to the end, reading this, and supporting me. I've loved every second of writing and sharing this story with you. Thank you for believing in me, and for giving me the inspiration to write again. I can't wait to possibly write more of these kinds of stories in the future. And finally, thanks for sticking around. Peace out lovelies. <3

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