Cutebones: "Late night cuddles needed"

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Au: Pokehumans

Ship: Hau x Gladion

Requested by: Noone

Warnings: past trauma, nightmare


"You look just like him. You look like him and yet it didn't banish you instead!"

"I-i'm so sorry, Mother!"



"Oh, man up, you useless pup! You watched your father get whisked away into the portal that t h i n g created, and you did NOTHING!"

"I-i couldn't move, I was so sca- OW!!"

"Q U I E T ! You're going to pay for letting this happen, you insufferable little normal type!"




Gladion suddenly shot up from his nightmare in a cold sweat, shaking violently. He had that dream again, the one he always had when he thought about...her....

He was brought out of his thoughts by his partner's gentle nudge and worried whimper. Silvally always slept on the edge of his trainer's bed incase of nights like this, he hated seeing the Umbreon man suffering.

"Hey, Sil, it's ok... I'm ok..." Gladion reassured his chimera-dog and stroked his back, lulling the mythical back to sleep with his gentle strokes. "Everything's ok..."

"You sound like you're trying to convince yourself that too." A familiar, tired voice squeaked next to Gladion.

"Go back to bed, Hau..."

"What's wrong, ko'u Alola?" The Raichu man sat up and gently hugged his boyfriend from behind, nuzzling against his cheek with gentle sparks, which Gladion couldn't resist smiling from. "You're usually asleep by 1 am at least."

"I... had that nightmare again..."

"About Lusamine?" Gladion shivered at that name.

"Yeah... I know she's better now, supporting Lillie and her girlfriend coming out and apologizing for everything she did, but..."

"It's hard to forgive her." The blonde nodded. "Yeah, I get that.... I'm the same with my dad. Leaving my mom to live in Kanto, acting like he was there for me when I became kahuna... I'm shocked Decidueye didn't arrow his heart out!" Hau laughed quietly at the thought.

"And yet you forgave him... why?"

"Because I let it go, Gladi. He was awful for leaving, yes, but he paid mom when she needed money while I was growing up and didn't try to claim he needed every petty little penny... so I let it go."

Gladion went silent for a moment, letting himself relax and turn around to hold his sweet, caring boyfriend closer. "I'm just not ready to let go...."

"Then you don't have to." Hau cooed as he layed them both back down, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. "You take as much as you need before you talk to her, ok?" No response. "... Gladi?"

Gladion was quietly breathing in a slow and steady rhythm now, holding Hau like he was a stuffed animal as he finally slept. Said Raichu couldn't help but smile and nuzzle this adorable Umbreon blonde before he closed his eyes, falling asleep with his Alola. "Goodnight, Gladion..."

"... goodnight, Hau..."


If google translate is correct, Ko'u Aloha means "My Love" and well Hau definitely speaks Alolan and would 300% call Gladion this, change my mind.

If the translation is wrong, I'm so sorry, I honestly couldn't tell you if it was right or not qwq

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