Firstfriend: "A friend for Mochi"

767 4 9

Au: Pokehuman

Ship: Ash x Gou

Requested by: no one

Warnings: Fanchild ahead


"Alright, Mochi, now kick the pebble like this!... no, like THIS!... No, no, we're over here, Moc- aaaaand she's gone."

Ash, a Riolu man, and his Pikachu partner were currently sitting under a tree in Sakurai Park, watching his husband try, and fail, to teach their daughter Pyro Ball with a snicker.

Keep in mind, their daughter wasn't a Cinderace like her dad at all. She wasn't even a Raboot or Scorbunny. Mochi was a Victini.

"Gou, just let her take a break! She wants to play with our pokemon!" The fighting type watched as their little girl ran around with Lucario and Flygon, blasting weak Embers and giggling loudly. "They love running around with her anyways!'

The Cinderace man groaned in response. "I just want her to be prepared incase of danger, Pyro Ball is so practical, y'know?" Gou kicked up his special pebble into his palm, emphasizing his point. "Just grab a pebble and kick it until you get fire!"

"Yeah, but Mochi wants to play with pokemon first!... maybe she should have a partner?"

"What?! My baby is NOT ready to go out into the dangerous world and get hurt, that's OUR job, Ash!"

"Nonono, not what I meant!" Ash got up and brushed off the grass on his pants, waiting till Pikachu was back on his shoulders to actually move. "I mean we catch it for her while we're gone!"

"... what exactly do you have in mind?" Gou eyed his husband suspiciously as the Riolu wrapped an arm around him. "It better not be something that can hurt her, she's six and doesn't need any major scars."

"Well, since our next research trip is Hoenn, maaaaybe something like a Wurmple!" Ash suggested. "Not even, maybe a Silcoon or friendly natured Cascoon! Nothing harmful about them!"

"Yeah... you're right... I just REALLY don't want her to be hurt from her own pokemon, I barely feel comfortable with our own!"

"Trust me, she'll be fine! She's our kid, she's bound to do stupid stuff eventually so we can't be scared forever!"

"Heeeey, Champion Dad! Watch this Ember!!!"



"Poor, poor Misty, I hope she doesn't get too much trouble from Mochi.."

Currneltly on Route 101, Ash and Gou were on the hunt for Silcoons. Pikachu would search the grass, Gou's Cinderace would keep an eye out for pesky Zigzagoons.

"Nah, don't worry, Misty loves her niece! Can't get enough of her, even taught her how to snag ears.... we're making Brock babysit from now on." Ash practically demanded.

"Shhh!" Gou suddenly got low to the ground, keeping his large ears laid against his back. "I heard something..." He whispered as he started to crawl around. Ash rolled his eyes, smiled, and filled in Gou's footsteps.

"Pika?" Pikachu's ear perked up at the sound of rustling grass. He turned to see a Wurmple digging through his trainer's bag. "PIKA PI!"

"GOU, HE FOUND ONE!" Ash translated.

"Awesome! Lemme get a poke-"

"CINDER!" Cinderace, just as Gou got up to get out a pokeball, kicked off the little bug and set him flying away, huffing in annoyance. "Race cinder!"

"A h -" Gou dropped the red and white ball with that look. The one he always gave when he couldn't even speak.

"Oh boy, this is gonna be a long day, isn't it?" Ash sighed.



"Three hours, three fucking hours of searching, not one Wurmple came out after that one accident!" Gou was complaining the whole plane ride home, even after they got off the plane. "I don't get it, WHY-"

"DADDIES!!!" A little dark haired girl slammed into Ash all of a sudden, tackling the Riolu down, who barked in surprise. "YOU'RE BACK!"

"Hey, Mochi!" Ash laughed he got up and squeezed his daughter in a hug. "Did you have fun with your aunt?"

"Uh huh! Aunt Misty said you'd find a cool pokemon!" Mochi seemed particularly excited about that part.

"O-oh, she did?" Gou shot said Gyarados a glare when she finally caught up.

"You told me that was part of your plan, I don't keep secrets from someone as adorable as my Mochi baby!" Misty smiled at the tiny Victini girl. "She's as cute as a Togepi amd doesn't deserve to be lied to!"

"Well, actually... Mochi, we didn't really-"

"Why's your bag moving, Research Dad?" Gou's apology was interrupted by shuffling inside his back pack. Confused, he opened it up, reached inside, and pulled out...

"Mi mi!"

"W-WHAAAA!?" Gou screeched, almost dropping the tiny electric type in his hand. "A M-M-M-MINUN?!"

"BUNNY!" Mochi yelled, breaking out of her dad's grip to get a closer look at Minun. "He's so cute!!!"

"Minun!" Minun wriggled out of Gou's hands and jumped into Mochi's arm. The little fire type giggled and nuzzled his cheek, earning ticklish sparks. "Nun nun nun!"

"Huh, whaddya know?" Ash chuckled. "Guess we did catch something!"

"Piiika!" Pikachu snickered.

".... you sneak." Gou growled. "THAT'S why you ran off before our flight!"

"That's Ash for ya." Misty shrugged. "He wants a problem solved, good luck making him leave. Do you like your little friend, Mochi?"

"I love him! He's so sweet and small and adorable!" Mochi gave Minun a few strokes on his fuzzy head, which were happily accepted. "Can I keep him? Please please please? I'll take good care of him, I promise!"

"If your father agrees." Ash nudged his husband with a smirk. "Your call, babe."

"......" Gou sighed, knelt down to his daughter's level, and looked Minun in it's innocent eyes. He did seem very attached to and gentle with Mochi already.... "Fine, you can keep him. BUT, you have to make sure he's as happy to be with you as you are with him, like Pikachu and Champion Dad, ok?"

"Yes sir!"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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