Cutebones: "Sparky Kiss"

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Au: Pokehumans

Ship: Hau x Gladion

Requested by: no one



"Alright, here we are, Hau!"

Melemele's Hariyama kahuna, or simply Hala, was currently out with his grandson, an small, tan Pichu boy, at a playground. The Pichu's mother was a bit overwhelmed from the sudden requirement to take care of her son alone, so Hala decided to give his daughter-in-law a break and let Hau play outside for a bit.

"Remember what I told you, Hau?" The fighting type knelt down to look his grandson in the eyes.

"Not to shock anyone, don't be a bully, and have fun!" Hau happily squeaked and sparked weakly from excitement, having lots of energy and ready to run off at a moment's notice. Hala ruffled the small mouse's hair with a proud smile.

"Good boy, now go have fun!"


Hau ran off and immediately took and open swing, doing his best to swing his tiny legs back and forth till he was laughing and sparking weakly. He stopped when he heard a few sniffles next to him, which belonged to a taller blonde Eevee boy just sitting on the swing next to Hau. He looked like he had been crying for a while.

"H-hey." The blonde flinched and made a small cry of surprise. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you! You ok?"

"..... I'm ok...."

"Ok....." Hau swing his legs slightly, rocking back and forth on the swing. ".... you sure? You look you were crying..."

"Mommy got mad that I didn't touch a stone." The older kid rubbed his left arm soothingly. "I didn't wanna be a Glaceon or Leafeon, she got mad and hurt me..."

"Where'd she hit you?" Hau got up off the swing and was now infront of the Eevee boy, getting a good look at him. He had a bowlcut-like blonde hairstyle, a hairlick, pale skin, a short-sleeve fancy outfit, and gorgeous light-green eyes.

"R-right here.." The boy held up his wrist, presenting a healing cut across the pale skin. "She told me to stop being selfish and evolve now. None of the evolutions she presented felt right though..."

".... lemme just-" Hau gently grabbed the boy's arm where it wasn't cut and brought it closer to him, in-town yanking the normal type up and off the swing.


"My mom does this to my cuts all the time!" Hau pressed a gentle kiss to the cut, making the older boy quietly gasp. "There, does it feel better?.... you ok there?"

The Eevee boy looked dazed and was blushing a deep shade of red, unable to speak coherently. Confusion status it seemed.

"Oops, Sweet Kiss..." Hau internally smacked his forehead as he brought out a lum berry, placing it into the boy's hand and guiding the hand to his mouth to eat it. "Sorry, I forget I know status moves sometimes, it's a lit-"

"DO IT AGAIN!" The Eevee boy suddenly said loudly after his confusion sent away, startling Hau. "I-i mean.... please do it again... onmycheekmaybe..." He was blushing and looking down at his feet, embarrassed by his outburst.

"... only if I learn your name." Hau bargained.

"Gladion! I'm Gladion."

"I'm Hau, it's nice to meet you!" Hau giggled and gave Gladion a quick peck on the cheek, sparking as he backed away. "A-ah, sorry if I shocked you, I can't control my sparks yet!"

"That's ok! The sparks make it tingly, haha!" Gladion's laugh was so adorable and sweet, Hau felt.. really happy when he heard it. So, let his cheeks spark weakly as he kissed Gladion's cheek again. And again. And again.

"Hau, stoooop!!!" Gladion was giggling and crying out like an Eevee, attempting to push the electric mouse away. "You're gonna make me pee laughing!"

"Hauuuu, your mother called, it's time to gooo!" The voice of Hala called from the other side of the playground, which made Hau's tiny tail and ears droop.

"Awh... bye, Gladi!" Hau waved goodbye as he joined Hala's side to walk home, smiling as he thought of how cute his new friend's laugh was.


"Oop, sorry about that! Wasn't paying attention to-"

Hau, a tan Pikachu teen, had been strolling around with his newly caught Eevee and just-now evolved Pikachu when he bumped into someone and fell onto his back. He laughed and apologized before he finally saw who he was apologizing to.

"... to what? What are you staring at, ears for brains?" A hooded teen with pale skin, black and grey outfit with rips in the jacket sleeves, and striking green eyes stood above Hau, glaring with such intensity that he could melt a glacier.

"... Gladion..?" Hau quietly squeaked.

"How do you know my name, rat?" Gladion spat out his words with no kindness to be found in his voice. "Answer me!"

"I-it.... it's me, Hau! Remember, from the playground!" Hau got up to his feet and suddenly grabbed Gladion's arm, rolling up his sleeve before it was yanked back.


"You still have the scar I kissed better." Gladion went still. Hau smiled and took a step closer to the edgy teen. "I kissed your cut after your mom hurt you and you asked for more, which I gave on the cheek instead.

"......" Gladion suddenly gasped quietly, looking Hau right in his eyes, or eye since he had hair over one of his own. "Hau? It's... it's really you...."

The Pikachu teen reached up and pulled down the pale teen's hood, revealing thoese familiar ears and that fluffy neck fur more clearly. "And you're still you." Hau cooed before giving Gladion what he missed after all these years.

A sparky kiss on the cheek.

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