Jellowshipping: "Made with Love"

661 7 3

Au: None

Ship: Lillie x Mallow

Requested by: no one



It was a quiet day in Melemele, the sun shining it's usual brightness and the Cutieflys buzzing about from flower to flower. Days like this, where no one was around to rush her, were always Mallow's favorite.

Now, don't get her wrong, she loves her job! Cooking has always been her and Tsareena's passion, creating new recipes and serving them up to her wonderful customers was something she could never replace! However, there were always days were the middle-aged women yelling for not enough salt or crazy-packed lunch rushes were a bit much, so relax days are still a blessing.

On this particular day, Mallow was enjoying the nice summer breeze in the window, leaning her head on one hand and using the other to hold her beloved grass type's hand. She could've fallen asleep if she didn't notice a small, white fox and a pale, blonde woman approaching the restaurant.

"Lillie, Snowy!"


"And so I said to her, 'Lady, if you have any more complaints I'll gladly let you talk to my supervisor' AND SENT KIAWE OVER TO TALK!"


Mallow had invited her girlfriend and partner in for coffee and some leftover cake, telling tales of Karens and there endless complaints, which was cracking Lillie up.

"Best part, she walked out looking so confused and upset, I know for a fact Kiawe didn't listen to her and just talked about Wela!" Mallow laughed. "I have no pity for her!"

"She deserved it too!"

Snowy and Tsareena watched their trainers laugh and talk with smiles, having their own conversation alongside it.

"Pix, vulvulpix!" (Kanto was so cool, mommy caught a Zubat that Uncle was attacked by!)

"Tsaree!" (That sounds wonderful, Snowy!)

"Pix pix vul! Vulvulvulpix!" (It was! And when we came home, Uncle was glomped by Mr. Hau!)

"Reena, Tsa." (Sounds about right.)

"Whatcha guys talking about over there?" Mallow asked jokingly. She knew she couldn't understand pokemon, not like Ash could, but she could understand body language at least.

"Pix pix!"


"Snowy's gotten so much better at battling, she's even beaten brother's Crobat!" Lillie patted her lap, which alerted Snowy to jump into it and cuddle into her arms. "Of course, Lycanroc couldn't be beat, but I am still so proud!"

"That's awesome! Me and Tsareena made a new recipe yesterday, was a hit with all the customers!" Mallow exclaimed. "Everybody and their mom asked what the secret ingredient was, I'll never tell though~!"

"Ooooo, now I wanna know!"



Mallow sighed and looked around, leaning over the table. "C'mere, lemme whisper it."

"Gotcha." Lillie let Snowy down and leaned closer, turning her head to the side so she could listen. Mallow smirked and kissed her cheek, making the pale girl go red in the face.


"Wh- you sneak!"

And both girls fell into a fit of laughter.

Mallow r e a l l y loves these days.

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