Greysky: "Starlite Date"

489 6 1

Au: Pokehuman

Ship: Hugh x Nate

Requested by: no one

Warnings: Gentle snuggle vibes qwq


Author's note, was listening to this music when writing, it's relaxing and helped inspired this! Take a listen if you want the vibe I was going off of!

Now, onto the wholesome!


Two men, sitting under a starry night sky, watching the Minior fall from afar. Snuggled up under a tree, holding each other close, saying not a word and yet understanding everything about each other. These were the best kinds of dates they always had.

"They really are pretty, aren't they?" The brunette psychic type finally spoke up in a tired yawn.

"Getting sleepy, babe?" His boyfriend teased. "We can go home if you're tired."


Ah, that stupid pout. The Reuniclus bed-head always gave his boyfriend that fake angry pout when he was teased, and Hugh loved it. Nate was always so childish and innocent, but it fit him so well no matter what age the men became.

Nate snuggled his way closer to his Bouffalant lover, discreetly covering his yawn with his jelly-incased hand. Cute.

"I just wanna snuggle with my sweet."

"You're gonna fall asleep, y'know. I'll have to carry you home again."

"You love holding me."

"I do."

Nate was gently taken into his boyfriend's arms, laying his head on the normal type's shoulder as said Bouffalant moved the psychic types into his lap.

For such a furious, aggressive pokeman, Hugh was always so gentle and quiet with Nate, like the Reuniclus was made of fragile glass he couldn't risk losing. Even sweeter was that he only showed Nate this side, a side of Hugh only reserved for him and him alone.

There they stayed, snuggled up under a tree as the stars shone brightly above the two. The Pidoves cooeing so pleasantly and the gentle splashing of Buizels and Marill were enough to lull Nate to sleep in Hugh's embrace, just as expected.

"I knew it." Hugh chuckled quietly, as to not disturb the adorable man he held.

He kissed the sleeping psychic type's forehead and laid back on the tree, letting his eyelids droop as sleep took him over as well.

"Goodnight, babe, love you."

A starry date concluded in a happily ever after was something neither could ever argue against.


Why did I write them as pokehumans? Because I write better when I do...

Don't judge me

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