Preciousmetal: "Hold me close?"

720 11 4

Au: Pokehumans

Ship: Ethan x Silver

Requested by: no one qwq

Warnings: nightmare, abandonment, mentioned death, swearing


So, here I am.

Tired, unwillingly awake, staring at a ceiling.

All because of an Arceus-damned nightmare.

I've been having the same nightmare for a little while now, more a memory than a nightmare, but still. It makes me wake up in a cold sweat and shakes me to my core, keeps me awake and ruins Crobat's training because I'm too damn tired to focus.

It starts off with the cold, chilling wind and the feeling of my old glasses on my face. A Persian man, a man I once called family, with his back turned to me, a tiny Zubat with bad vision. He told me how I was a nuisance to his job, how I always bothered the workers ever since mom couldn't take care of me. How he's gonna leave me here to focus on work instead. I'd always say the same things.

It wasn't her fault, she died! No one knew she would get sick enough, not even Nurse Joy!



Great, now I'm crying. I'm silently crying at 2 in the fucking morning just because of a damn memory. Nightmare. Thing. I would sob if it weren't for Crobat resting and-

Oh fuck, he's awake, dammit Silver you woke him up.

"Silv? What happened?" My dumb Typhlosion boyfriend, Ethan, is now turned to face me and is rubbing his eyes to wake up. Damnit, he's adorable when he cares. Which is always.

"Nothing, go to bed." I was always a horrible liar, never helped that I'm tired as hell.

"Silver, talk to me." Shiiiiit, he used my real not, he never not calls me Silv, fuck-


"..... you had a nightmare?"

.... dammit dammit dammit. Maybe if I say nothing and turn away now he'll leave me alone.

Except I can't turn because now he's hugging me. He's hugging me and I'm loving it and I could just fall asleep in his naturally warm embrace. I'm such a fucking mess.

"The Giovanni one, huh? You go silent when I ask and it's that one. It's ok, Silver, he can't hurt you like that, I won't ever let him. I'll Fire Punch him."

I don't care that I'm crying anymore, I only care about being silent for Crobat. I wrap my arms around that stupid fire idiot and pull him closer, nuzzling my way into the crook of his neck. I hate how much I love this.

"Just.... just hold me close, Ethan..." I couldn't get out more than an embarrassing little mutter, which my stupidly sweet boyfriend managed to hear somehow.

"Always." I heard him respond as he moved to kiss my forehand and let me rest back in the crook of his neck. I swear, it's embarrassing how easily I fell asleep holding him and knowing he held me back.

Arceus-dammit, I love him so much.

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