Greysky: "Meet my battle buddy!"

733 11 5

Au: None

Ship: Hugh x Nate

Requested by: No one

Warnings: F word


"Hugh, meet my battle buddy!"

All it took was that one sentence and Hugh was head-over-heels already.

It started as a simple get together, Rosa invited Hugh to meet up in Nimbasa after becoming champion, didn't say much else. Hugh arrived to find another brunette hanging out with his rival, which confused the hell out of him. She never mentioned another friend, much less an attractive guy....

He was short with wild, bedhead hair, big, dark brown eyes, light skin and the sweetest smile Hugh had ever seen. He was the kinda cute that could rival Skittys and Lillipups playing with each other.

Rosa introduced him as "Nate," someone she had met here in Nimbasa. Nate explained that he was trying to fight the owners of Battle Subway but needed a partner, and low and behold, Rosa showed up and offered to battle alongside him. They decided to team up for a few more battles in the subway and quickly became friends, even took a ride in the ferris wheel together afterwards.

"It's nice to meet you, Hugh!" Nate had greeted him with a smile that could melt the coldest shoulder, since it definitely melted Hugh's usually frozen heart. "Rosa's told me alot about you, didn't tell me you were so handsome though!"

The Qwilfish haired teen stopped breathing for a few seconds when he heard that.

"Wh-what?" Hugh cursed himself for his squeak of a response.

"I said you're really handsome! I love your hair style and how striking your eyes are, I'm shocked someone hasn't made you theirs by now!"

Nate suddenly got a few beeps from his X-Transciever and gasped. "I gotta go, mom's calling me for dinner! Bye Rosa! Bye Hugh~." And with that, he took off toward the city part of Nimbasa, leaving a confused gay mess and his knowing rival.

"Sooooo? Whadaya think?" Rosa feigned innocence. "He's pretty nice, huh? And he's siiiinglllle~!"

"Was this just a plan to make us l-like each other?!"


"Fuck you, Rosa! Go to the distortion world!"

"You first!"



Short but sweet GreySky! I love these two, they're so gay and adorable!! They're not a popular ship but I could give less fucks.

Also Nate is 100% a yandere for Hugh, he's too cute for me not to make him secretly an evil demon bab, he stabs people who try to steal his boyfriend :3

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