Just some headcanons

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Listing a few dumb headcanons for my ships, enjoy

Ash is 100% gay, not bi or pan, just gay, and Gou is his also 100% gay boyfriend and they're both gay idiots who casually act gay even after they start dating

Silver is super clingy when it comes to Ethan. If someone compliments Ethan, flirty or not, Silver will act super needy for his attention to ensure he gets paid attention to instead of "the bitch trying to take his man."

Hugh is super pissey and mean to everyone else, but he is the softest being alive when it comes to Nate, he absolutely adores him. Meanwhile, Nate is cute and innocent on the outside, but actually a yandere who would kill someone for saying they're gonna try to get Hugh's number or something like that. Hugh doesn't realize this and thinks he's precious as hell.

Shauna helped cheer Serena up after Serena realized Ash never had feelings for her, showing her best friend how much she cares instead. Serena slowly starts to fall in love with her and not the memory of her like how she had for Ash.

Gladion loves to cuddle Hau like a stuffed animal, he's always slept with stuffed animals because it helps him sleep better and now it unconsciously lets him know he hasn't lost Hau like he lost his dad or almost lost his mom.

Mallow has a recipe on her menu that isn't ordered often because the only person who does order it is her girlfriend, Lillie, who says it's her favorite food.

Marnie doesn't like loud noises or loud areas in general, so Team Yell is a nightmare for her. The only two people she's ok with being loud around her is her brother, Piers, and her girlfriend, Gloria.

Sonia and Nessa do cafe date nights every weekend, Sonia talking about all the pokemon she researched and Nessa showing off her adorable water pokemon happily.

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