Chapter Three; Well Hello There Mr.Demon.

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Instead of thankyous and shock, Andrea burst into tears. Rushing forward I gathered her gently into my arms, rocking her gently. "Oh my god I'm sorry!  Did you want to stay here?'' Sobbing she hugged me, shaking her head. "I-i-I've n-neve-r h-h-add someone b-e this k-ki-nd to me. T-thank-you!" James gave me the stink eye for making his Mum cry and I gently patted her hand. " Come on, lets get you out of here."

Michaels POV

(Before they ran into each other)

After searching all of the heavens,  my brother's and I had deduced that our fated were on earth. As father wouldn't of given us demons as lifemates. My brother's rarely spoke to me anymore, digusted with me after what had happened centuries ago. I felt my heart pang in my chest, twisting itself from the pain it felt. My heart felt like it had jumped off that edge with Izraphael, I had never been the same. Even though we had never been intimate, I had still loved her more than I did breathing. Shaking off the nostalgia, I growled when a body slammed into me, m arms flying around it. The body definitely belonged to a female, her soft chest tight against mine. Kaleidoscope eyes met mine as a strand of fire red hair slid from its imprisonment. A flare of disgust, pain and hatred blazed in the woman's eyes before she shoved past me and went across the room to sit next to a human female. I watched her for a while longer as she treated to the human before I turned to walk to the men's room.

Washing my hands, I whistled "Whistle (By Flowrida)"  as I headed towards the door. Before I touched it though, I was slammed to the wall next to it, a male hand grabbing me by the throat and holding me there. Not many Paranormals could compete with an Angel so obvious this wasn't a human. Glancing at his face I saw he had azure blue coloured hair and flashing green eyes, the fire inside him threatening to burn me alive. Glancing again at the odd coloured hair, I recognized the colour as that of the crest of the demon royal family. He snarled baring his sharp top and lower canines."Where is she feather freak?! What did you do to her?" A confused expression crossed my face. . Who? Wait.  . Did he just call him a feather freak?! Pushing his arm away I gently massaged my throat, knowing he would leave bruises. He growled again and snapped" WHERE THE HELL IS SHE? WHERE IS IZZY?!'

Izzys POV

I decided against taking them to my penthouse, instead taking them to my little mansion in the woods. It had top security, Fort Knox was like an unlocked door compared to my estate. Being immortal had its benefits.  Andrea and James walked around with their mouths agape, their eyes filled with wonder and joy. Gently grabbing their arms, I led them to their rooms; two conjoined rooms for mums sake. When Andrea saw her room she squealed and hugged me tightly. "However can I repay you?! I have no money!" Giggling I said" simply love and look after your son, that's all I ask." She looked shellshocked,  "oh, I recommend sleeping soon." Giving me a curious look she replied" why?" Winking I muttered" because we are going shopping tomorrow!" Before quietly closing her door.


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