Chapter Eleven; Miss Wishy Washy Magic Poofy.

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Izzy's POV

The dress itself was beautiful. It was a beautiful blue, the colour of a robins egg. Silver sequins danced around the sweetheart neckline like butterflies in a field of daisies. The bust moulded to my chest and waist, flaring out around my thighs. I wore silver calf high boots, snowflakes in the same blue here and there. I had done my makeup in the bathroom so I had beautiful cat eyelines and silver and blue eye-shadow. My face was alabaster, the only colour my eyes and lips. My eyes shone their usual rainbow while my lips were a dark red. Grinning I asked Cae keep an eye on Michael? I wanna knock his socks off! I heard Cae's rumble of laughter splutter into a chocked gasp as I came into sight. Glancing from under thick lashes, I saw Michael's eyes flare a bronzed gold. Beautiful. I gently pinched my nails into my left hand, the slight pain reminding me of why I was who I am today. Consider those socks off and across the galaxy ... Cae's voice in my head made me smile slightly, he could always do that. Sliding into the purple booth I accidentally-on-purpose bumbed Cae as he lifted the glass of beer to his lips. He chocked on his mouthful and spilt the cup down his front, the white shirt becoming see through. He growled under his breath and tugged me until I was now squashed against Michaels side and he was on the edge. Flipping me the bird, he stood up and held his wet tee-shirt away from his toned body. "Well I'm going to go change. Have fun Iz." Sticking my tongue out at his retreating back I tried to move back to my old seat. Well, I tried. Michael's strong arm wound itself around my waist, tigher than a boa constrictor. He ducked his head so his soft lips were inches away from my ears. "You look beautiful as always mah cherie" my heart wobbled as he uttered the two words that I had never thought I'd hear again. Steeling the walls around the weak emotions I quipped "and I can see you are as much of a cad as you were three centuries ago. Remove your arm before I do so permanently." Surprisingly the offending appendage remained where it was, even tightening. His lips brushed my ear as he muttered "you wouldn't do that, then how would I hold you in my arms forever?" Flicking my gaze to the other arch angels, I saw them scanning every man woman and child that entered and left the club. Gritting my teeth I waited for Cae to come back. This night something big was going to happen. I know it.

Caedons POV

I tugged the sticky white top over my head as I entered the dimly lit alleyway. Sighing I glanced down at my sticky chest, the breeze softly blowing my hair. Glancing around the alleyway, I clicked my fingers, the sticky alcohol gone from my chest and wearing a new blue shirt. Running my fingers through my hair I reached for the door handle, prepared to get Izzy out of her misery. I will admit, I felt a little guilty when I saw the pain and fear flicker across her face when I had sat her next to Michael. I had been watching Michaels face carefully as she had walked in. What surprised me was that only a small part of the emotion had been lust. Love and adoration had shone in his eyes, brighter than any I'd ever seen. Behind the love, pain and regret floated. The clatter of the trash cans at the back of the alley had me twisting, my hand on my sword. "Who goes there?" Of course, I hadn't really expected anyone to answer me. But surprisingly, someone did. The most beautiful woman I had ever seen stepped into the dull lighting, creating a halo around her head. Hair as black as a Raven's feather floated around porcelain features, her lovely amethyst eyes sizing me up. Her slim figure was garbed in a black robe, from her wrist to her toes was covered. Her black painted lips twisted into a smile as she saw me. "Ah Caedon! Just the demon Prince I wanted to see!" Mesmerised by her beauty I let her approach me. Wetting my dry lips I cocked a brow "if I had known that you had been looking for me, I would of found you first." She chuckled darkly, her amethyst eyes flashing with something. She moved until she was within arm distance. Feeling something inside of me protest I opened my mouth . . .. Just as she uncapped a needle and plunged it into my neck. IZRAPHAEL!! The blue liquid burned my veins, a red mist began to swirl in my vision, slowly fading into unconsciousness. The last thought on my mind as I passed out was the saying is true. The most beautiful roses DO have thorns . . .

I was going to end this chapter here but I'll be nice ;) .
  Izzy's POV

At Caedon's desperate shout I stood up so quickly that the table flipped, sending it flying out of its place bolted down to the tiled floor. I ran to the back of the building, not caring that my dress was morphing into my golden armour. I reached the alleyway door, slamming it open as a thin woman bent over Caedon's prone body. Recognising the raven hair falling out of the hood I growled, shooting my palm outwards. The woman flew through the darkened alley, hitting the solid brick wall at the end. "WHAT DO YOU WANT MORGANA?!"

do you guys still hate Michael? Any ship names?

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P.S I need an editor PM me if you would like to? :3

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