Chapter Eight; Paper Cuts Of Emotion.

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Izzys POV

After climbing out of the SUV, I walked into the grey warehouse, my boots slapping the cemented floor. Cae walked slowly next to me, hesitance clear on his face. Bumping his shoulder with mine, I smiled delicately at him. He smirked and gently bumped me back. Walking to the only other door in the entire building I grabbed the key from the lanyard on my neck and inserted it into the key hole. With the rest of the team following behind, I stepped into the door-and into a warm body. Two strong and developed arms wrapped themselves around my waist, tighter than a Boa constrictor. A blonde head dropped to my neck, burying into the place where my neck and shoulder met. Before anyone could say anything, Michael moved back to the chair across from the door. Shrugging my shoulders, I dismissed the brief encounter that had sent sparks the size of basketballs through me. I couldn't be drawn into his lies again. It nearly destroyed me last time. This time? It would devestate me.

Michaels POV

I couldn't help it. She looked so beautiful, it was like I was seeing her for the first time all over again. . . and it hurt. Before she had been beautiful; now she was perfection. Her fire hair cascaded over tanned shoulders, her rainbow eyes sparkling like new diamonds. The white tank top and jeans she had changed into made her eyes and hair glow; like she had the sun for a soul. My persual of her came to a halt as the demon snapped his fingers in front of me. A rumbling growl escaped my lips, he wasn't worthy of MY angel. And she was indeed mine. A deep and dark thought hit me. She may be mine, but was I hers?

Izzy's POV

With a raised eyebrow and pointed look, I quipped to Michael; "Done having a hissy fit? We have stuff we need to do feathers." I saw Michael's own left eye brow twitch as his eyes sparkled. Did he know something I didn't? I glanced at Cae, surely he would know something? Cae, do you know why he is looking at me like that? Caedon roughly brushed past Michael, causing his left side to tilt right. A scowl replaced the delicate grin, anger and frustration glowing in his eyes. Yawning I delicately covered my mouth with my hand. "I swear to god if you two start fighting now, I'm going to knock your heads together so hard that you'll be seeing stars for a month." Michael's almost silent growling stopped as did Cae's glares. Standing up, I waved my hand, I teleported everyone to our main office, the golden building known to mortals and immortals everywhere. The stark white building had been painted gold when Cae and I had first established the Protections of Innocents Agency. (Or PIA) thanks to our agency, humans didn't quite fear the dark as much. We had started off as two immortals wanting to save lives and had moved onto the biggest protection agency in all the known realms. Humans looked up to us and immortals respected us. A team of two developed into a network of protectors, spread out across the dimensions. The golden building was hope. I guestered the four arch angels into my office, the rest of the team leaving to go to their homes. Only Cae and I remained to talk. Behind my desk I sat next to Cae, reaching into the top draw, pulling out the forms inside it. Slapping them down in front of the four arch angels. "Care to explain to me why you didn't let anyone know you're here.?"

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