DID and Regression

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Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about regressors who struggle with DID.

"First off, what is DID and what does it stand for?"

     DID stands for Dissociate Identity Disorder. It's a largely numbered disorder throughout the world. Unfortunately it's heavily stigmatized and often seen as 'dangerous' and seen in horror movies such as "Split". I want you all to know these stigmatisms and rumors are not true.

"Well, okay but why would someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder want or need to regress?"

     DID stems from childhood trama, usually from the ages 1 to 9. Due to this, someone with DID might experience terrible flashbacks, or other symptoms that might make them feel bad. Another reason is because the disorder holds a lot of amnesia aspects of could be possible that they feel they have no childhood or they've forgotten it, so regression might feel as though they are "getting it back".

Fun Facts

- Two percent of people in the world experience dissociative disorders.

- Most dissociative disorders are more commonly diagnosed in women.

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