Pictures Bring Back Memories

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Card Captor Sakura. I sadly just own the plot although if the owner wishes to give me Syaoran as a gift I would take him in a heartbeat.

"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, not time outs, no second chances. You just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back." - Unknown

Chapter 3

They had come from practice two hours ago but he still felt something was bothering him. It was as if practice had not been enough, so he went over to the hotel gym and ran another forty five minutes on the treadmill before heading towards his room. He got out of the shower and put on his black long loose sporty sweatpants with a white tank and laid on his bed thinking. Immediately after, he heard a knock on his door and grunted. 'I just dropped into my bed.' He stood up and opened the door to find Sakura with a folder on her hand which he guessed was the photo shoot agreement. 

"Sakura!" He smirked. "What a lovely surprise." She was wearing long black dressy pants and a white blouse. He could tell she had just gotten out of her office and went straight to the hotel by the look of her appearance.

She noticed the way he was dressed and how a few drops of water dripped from his hair into his tank but didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her affected by it as she stared at him sternly, "Spare me your sarcastic greeting. Do you think I have enough time on my hands to be losing it on you?"

She was irritated, he could see that much. "Well, I wouldn't call it losing your time unless that's what you think of the agreement. But please, do come in." He said as he offered some space for her to walk into his room.

"I will not." She firmly said. "You're the only one who hasn't signed this agreement yet. Now, why would that be?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

He leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms on his chest as he smiled carelessly, "Well, I didn't saw it professional that an assistant would ask me for my signature. What if she wasn't really your assistant? You know... I have no way of knowing. I've got to be careful these days." He arrogantly answered.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Sign the agreement."

"How have you been all these years?"

"In case you didn't notice, my well being should have stopped being a concern to you since um..." She mockingly made a thoughtful face then quickly answered, "seven years ago. Now, sign the agreement."

"Well, I can see you have grown moody over the years." He muttered.

Being in front of him was beginning to make her feel uneasy. She was losing her patience which was never good for anyone. She remembered what Xiefa had told her and tried to calm down before taking a deep breath and looking into his eyes, "Who do you think you'll be hurting if you don't sign? It won't be me, I assure you. These photo shoots are for promotions and if I remember correctly, you wanted to be the best soccer player in the world. For that, aside from good talent, you also need advertisements. In the end, by not signing, the only one you'd be hurting is yourself. So, sign the papers and I'll see you tomorrow on the photo shoot. Be there at nine, and don't be late." She placed the papers on his chest. Out of shock, he quickly grabbed the papers after feeling the folder pressed to his chest as he watched her turned around and leave without speaking any more words to him.

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