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"A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself." - Unknown

Chapter 17

She tossed to her right side whining not fully comprehending what was going on. She turned once more bothered by the distressing sound that was disturbing her sleep. When she groggily opened her eyes she realized the annoying sound was coming from her phone though she couldn't fully understand who could be calling her in these ungodly hours of the morning. She looked outside her window and all she could see was darkness. The sun hadn't even started showing his first rays.

She searched for some minutes around her bed still fighting with her sleep but found nothing. She reached in front of her to touch around the night table but found thin air colliding with her hand. 'That's right! I'm not in my apartment.' She thought before turning around and reaching far enough to touch the only night table in this room. Grabbing her phone, she disconnected it from its battery source and angrily answered. "Who the heck is this?"

"Sakura! Father just had a heart attack!"

~ o ~

He opened his eyes slowly. It was pitch dark outside but the sound of a shower running early hours of the morning woke him up. He looked at his watch and growled at the sight of five in the morning being marked by the short hand. Usually he was the first to wake up but this time Eriol had woken before him. After having the talk with Sakura, he had tried to apologize to Eriol but he could tell he was still a little pissed off by the incident. He hadn't needed Sakura to tell him it was his entire fault, his guilty feeling while leaving the hotel last night was enough but she had confirmed it nonetheless which only made him feel worst and yet seeing her last night made him feel better at the same time.

Kyu's text had ended his little mischief of visiting Sakura last night. He had rushed into the hotel and gone straight to the hotel's conference room. Lucky for him, his cousin's anger hadn't reached a point of telling their coach the real reason why he was late to the meeting which to him was a good sign. He had no doubt Eriol probably had known all along about his whereabouts. They had their team meeting in which he apologized to the entire team for his behavior after the game and later on to his cousin before watching film and although he had expected it to be enough he only found himself disappointed at the fact that it hadn't been.

He heard the sound of the shower been turned off and sat down on his bed bent over with his hands on his knees still a little drowsy from his lack of sleep last night. After a couple of minutes the bathroom door opened and Eriol came out drying his hair with a towel. He looked at Syaoran but didn't acknowledge his presence. Instead he continued his way to his bag and pulled out his clothes to dress himself.

"Are you still pissed?" Syaoran asked. He waited for his cousin to answer but didn't hear a single word from him. The abundance of silence made him speak again. "Come on man. I already apologized. What else do you want me to say?"

"Nothing. I've already heard enough." Eriol said. He finished dressing up and headed out.

Syaoran watched him close the door after leaving and sighed. He couldn't remember the last time he had a fight with his cousin but they had never had a fight that involved soccer before. Usually their fights in the past always involved Tomoyo and even when they had them, although he was mostly guilty as charged for those too, they were able to talk things through the next day. The only difference was that this time an engagement wouldn't solve his entire problem.

He grabbed his phone and texted Sakura first thing in the morning before heading towards the shower.

*Morning Babe! J

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