Challenging The Player

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"There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will. And in the end you learn who is fake, who is true and who would risk it all for you." - Brigitte

Chapter 11

Morning came like a blink of an eye. Rays of sun invaded her face early in the morning as she turned towards the other side to keep them from bothering her. As she tried to fight her sleep she noticed something was off. Actually... several things were off. The first one, no alarm was pestering her indicating that she had to wake up to go to work. The second thing she realized was that her room was on the other side of the house. Sun rays never woke her up in the mornings. They hadn't done so before for seven years and she was certain today couldn't be the first day they would, which took her to carefully and slowly open her eyes. The sight of brown hair confirmed her third assumption... she had fallen asleep in Syaoran's room last night. 

Her heartbeat rise as she stared at his calm face. He was silently sleeping right next to her. She noticed his skin had darkened within the years. No doubt playing soccer outside had something to do with that. A sudden urge to trace her fingers through his lips came to her but she dismissed the thought as soon as it came to her head. 

"You know, I wouldn't mind if you want to cuddle."

His words, she truly wanted to believe he had changed. Not like he wasn't caring when they were together, but his number one passion had always been soccer. In the past, she had accepted been second place in his life, but she knew she couldn't do that anymore. Someone had already shown her the meaning of being first in someone else's life. And even if she did feel like cuddling last night, she knew it wasn't right for so many reasons.

At least she was glad that her plan had worked last night. Well... at least for the first thirty minutes of the movie it did. After that, she noticed he wasn't even paying attention to it. His mind was someplace else, no doubt thinking about the tournament again. She had said a comment about the movie which made him comeback to watch it, but she knew better.

She sighed while slowly getting up without making too much noise and walking out of his room. Even though she was following Xian's orders, work awaited her in her office as usual and more so now that Suri was leaving early in the morning for Japan.

~ o ~

The sun illuminated Li Corp hallways early morning. She walked quickly through the hallways looking for her specific target. Seeing his dark brown doors at the end of the corridor made her increased her determined steps. She walked inside his office and closed the doors after getting in.

"Is it true?" she demanded.

Xian calmly turned his sight from the window to see his beautiful but furious wife staring at him. "Care to indulge a little, love?"

She stared at him back searching his eyes. Many people could never read him but the same couldn't be said about her. "Are you funding his project to stay here?"

He sighed. "Ah! That!" Although she was his wife, she could be a little intimidating when she felt betrayed by someone. "He already signed his professional contract. Why would he stay?"

"Xian!" she took a deep breath before continuing. "Do you really think this contract is enough to hold him back? I understand that you want Sakura to take over his recuperation. I can even go along with that. But agreeing on funding his project gives him a choice for staying. We both know that's not what he truly wants."

He took a deep breath before going over to his bar and serving himself a cup of coffee. Dealing with his wife so early in the morning without having coffee was a definite NO, especially if she was in one of her famous moods. "Love, he won't stay."

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