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"When a door closes, knock on it a few times. But if it still doesn't open, let it stay closed. In career, in love, in life when you see the period at the end of the sentence, don't try and turn it into a comma. Know when something is over and move on." – Mandy Hale

Chapter 18

"Well and today's hot spot headlines belongs to none other than our favorite Li Corp Project Manager who just recently became the Second in Command of the company. Now, many people have been talking about her new role inside the company. There's been rumors that not many of the board members are happy with the President's decision considering there is a true heir capable of handling the company but it was made official this morning when Li Yelan announced her husband's wishes live on National TV."

"To tell you the truth Katherine I was actually surprised as well especially after all the rumors that have been flying around the media linking her with the President's son. Neither Li or Kinomoto have wanted to confirm this yet but judging by the picture we showed earlier this week and now this new piece of information we can assume the rumors have more truth than what we believed."

"Well don't say that yet Yuri because what I'm about to reveal can also waive your assumption. Apparently Ms. Kinomoto was spotted tonight having a romantic dinner with none other than Oliver Deston, former VP of Kaliu Corporation. As you can see on the screen, pictures of their romantic dinner were downloaded to social networks by people who instantly recognized her on the streets."

"Oh wow! I have to admit I didn't see this one coming. You know, it's such a different side of her and not to be mean but it makes me wonder if she's doing all of this just to grasp a little bit of fame. I mean, we've seen her coming out of a long time relationship with President Eli's son to get herself involved with a famous soccer star player and, within a couple of days, now with a VP."

"True Yuri. It's such a different side of her. I mean we're talking about someone who wasn't on the media eye to someone who's being a news icon lately. It also makes me wonder if this is what she was hoping to get after her breakup with Senator Eli's son. After all we keep hearing her jumping from one guy to the other..."

Feimei sighed and shook her head. 'What is she waiting to deal with this girl?' she thought as she kept watching Katherine on the news trashing on Sakura's image. Her friend had never allowed something like this before. She kept listening to her nonsense before hearing her phone ring. Excitedly, she stood up from her couch and grasped the phone from the counter. Happily thinking it was her boyfriend she was about to answer in a sweet voice and refrained from doing so when she realized it was her brother instead flashing on her phone ID. "Hello my sweet brother."

"Is she there?" he simply asked.

"I'm so glad you're worried about me and everything considering I'm your little sister." She sarcastically answered.

"Can you put her on the phone Feimei?"

The coldness in his voice answered her suspicion. He must've watched the news and by the sound of it she was pretty sure this was a fight she didn't want to catch herself in the middle of. She was mad at her friend once more for not preparing her for this. A little consideration would've truly been appreciated... "She's not here."

"What do you mean she's not there? Did she go back to the office?"

"No... she's actually not staying here any longer. She decided to stay at her house." She heard him grunt on the other line letting her know he was definitely not happy with the news. Again she thought a little more consideration on her part would've truly been appreciated...

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