First rule of Fight Club

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A/N: Hey guys! Sadly combo weak ended. But here we start another one! My boss told me to take another week off, because there is no work for me. So, begin Combo Weak 2: Electric Boogaloo! Not wasting anymore time.

Let's get started! 

*(Y/N) POV*

It's been a few days since my fight against Sanageyama. These days were quite peaceful, expect for some clubs going after us. Currently I'm fighting against some guys in swordsman outfits.

???: "Me name is Ishihara Isamu, and I'm Captain of Fencing Club!  I challenge you, (Y/N) (L/N) for a duel!"

Me, not having time for some weakling, started to get annoyed.

(Y/N): "Listen buddy, I don't have time for you. I was supposed to eat lunch with my friend and girlfriend. I would appreciate If you just, I don't know get lost." I said while turning around and walking off

Isamu: "No chance! Either you or your whore girlfriend will fight me!" 

Now I'm pissed beyond everything. No one calls my precious blueberry a whore.

(Y/N): "What did you say?" I turned to him, my angry face expression was enough to make him flinch.

Isamu: " I-I said e-either y-you or your g-girlfriend will f-fight me"

(Y/N): "Are you sure?" I get to his face, holding him by the collar of his uniform "Because I heard you saying that my girlfriend is a whore." Now I get my hand on fire. "So, like my old friend use to say, let me tell you two pieces of useful information. One." I slammed his head on concrete floor. "If you have a death wish, you should choose to oppose Satsuki and Koruno, they at least would give you a fast death." I then proceed to punch a living shit out of him. "And two, I'm living killing machine when you disrespect someone I care, so let me ask you. How do you want to die? By decapitation or by getting burned alive?"

Isamu: "P-please d-don't k-kill me! Please! I'm sorry!" He started to cry.

 (Y/N): "You should thought about this before. Now I ask again. How do you want to die?!"

Isamu: "Please! I beg you!" And now he pissed his pants, I don't have time for him anymore. And I didn't want to dull my scythe on someone without spine.

(Y/N): "Alright, I won't kill you. But you know, I have a buddy who would be interested hearing about you, you must know him. Green hair, kinda asshole but very skilled, his name is Uzu if I remember correctly, oh and he is probably some elite here." When I mentioned Sanageyama, his face become pale.

Isamu: "Please! Sanageyama will demote me to No Star! I worked so hard to be here! Please! I have family with me! You must understand!"

(Y/N): "Family? Yeah. The problem is, if you didn't hear first time me and Ryuko stood up to Satsuki, our parents were killed. And people like you stand on our way to know who did this! So you have a choice, either I kill you, or I call Sanageyama that he have cowards under him. In both situations you and your family will go back to slums, but in only one you could be with them. I would suggest to choose now."

Isamu: "C-Call Sanageyama, just don't kill me or anyone in my family" I punched him

(Y/N): "Who do you think am I?! You think just because you are a worthless worm who can't even defend himself that I would do something to your family?! Now scram before I change my mind and behead you!" he stood up and run toward school exit. I took my phone and called Sanageyama.

Sanageyama: "Hey fire boy, ready for our rematch?"

(Y/N): "Nice to hear you monkey, but not now, You know Ishihara Isamu?"

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