Boxing Match/Ryuko meets Mankanshokus

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(A/N): Heyo guys, I just want to thank you for 50 views, it's about *counts on fingers* 40 more than I expected. Here is another chapter, feel free to vote and comment. Not wasting anymore time

Let's get started!

(Honno town slums, (Y/N) POV)

After we found our way out of basement both me and Ryuko went on our search for both our parents killer. Currently we are in No Star District, slums of Honno Town.

Ryuko: "Hey (Y/N), you said that Neko can also transform. What is it like?"

(Y/N): "Well, it'll be easier to show you, but not right now"

Ryuko: "What? Why not?"

(Y/N): " Let's just say, I don't want to bring any unwanted attention" I then shot a look at nearby thugs, most probably some old drinkers.

Our conversation was then interrupted by who I can only assume was that bald asshole.

Fukoroda: "Transfer student and her boyfriend. Can you hear me? One hour from now your best friend will be executed as shared responsibility for both of your crimes of treason against Honnouji Academy. If you want to save her, stop hiding and show yourselves."

Both : "WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!" we said in unison, both of our cheeks in blush.

(Y/N): "ekhm. Anyway, who could they kidnap?"

Ryuko: "Hmm, I didn't meet anyone expect..."

Then both me and Ryuko get enlightened

Both: "MAKO!"

Ryuko: "We need to save her, hurry!"

We made our way toward Academy, When we arrived, Ryuko and me just blended into crowd getting closer to scan our surroundings. 

Ryuko: "(Y/N) look up there" she whispered

I looked up and saw Mako tied to a cross, hanging upside down over a tank of boiling oil. Next to her stood this plankless Johnny  imitation. 

(Y/N): " Okay, first we save Mako, then we take down bald bastard."

Ryuko: " Right! Let's do this"

I pressed a button on Neko's right sleeve activiting her. Ususal red light iluminates area. When it dies I stood in Neko's transformed form, black gauntlets on my arms up to my shoulder, connected with skintight black chestplate having some kind of shoulder pads containg Neko's hot pink and green eyes. On my legs are flat boots reaching under knee and black shorts.

Ryuko: "So this is Neko's transformation *chuckle*"

(Y/N): "Still covers more than Senketsu" I said with a grin while putting cloth around me like Ryuko did.

Ryuko: "Fuck you"

We both jumped to where Mako was trapped. I used my scythe as Ryuko used her scissor blade to set our friend free.

Mako: "(Y/N), Ryuko!"

(Y/N): "Hey Mako"

Ryuko: "Hold on!"

I looked behind and saw some one stars jumping toward us

(Y/N): "We got company!"

I grabbed Mako and jumped on boxing ring, a while later Ryuko lands next to me. I could only hear a screams from deep fried fools. I put Mako down and told her to get out of ring. I then look down and saw this fucker from before.

Fukoroda: "So we meet again, you will pay for damaging my uniform!"

(Y/N): "You know, using hostage to get both me and Ryuko out was a cheap shot Johnny, You should be more worried about your friend Plank." I said while me and Ryuko chuckle

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