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A/N: Here it is, another chapter! I just wan't to say, it was hard to write last chapter's ending. Don't worry, (Y/N) will be back. Not wasting anymore time...

Ryuko: "Here you are! I finally get througth this invisible wall! You better bring him back soon! If not I will find out where you live and gut you!"

Author: "Oh my god, first him and now you! Ryuko, he will be back I promise!"

Ryuko: "He better be!"

Anyway, let's get started! 

*location: unknown, (Y/N) POV*

(Y/N): "Mom?! Uncle Isshin?!"

My mom run up to me and bring me into a tight hug

Dr.Hayami: "(Y/N)! My baby boy! *sniff* I'm sorry!"

(Y/N): "For what?"

Dr. Hayami: "For leaving both you and Ryuko at boarding school! *sniff*But you must understand! It was for your own good!"

(Y/N): "Mom, uncle Isshin told me already why. Don't need to be so down on yourself"

Dr. Hayami: "You know? *sniff* But still! I could finally see my little (Y/N)! Look at you! You grown up to be so handsome, girls must be looking after you?" she said while we both broke from hug

(Y/N): "Moooom!"

Dr. Hayami: "I'm kidding. We know there is only one for you."

(Y/N): "Wait?! You knew about me and Ryuko?!"

Dr. Hayami: "Yup! If you found my ring in Neko you must knew that we hoped you two get together"

(Y/N): "Doesn't matter. I'm dead now right? But as long as she is safe it was worth it."

Dr. Matoi: "(Y/N), you are not dead, more like in coma"

(Y/N): "So how I can see you?"

Dr. Hayami: "Let's just say, we didn't entirely moved on to the other side. We stayed here as guarding angels for both you and her" Uncle then walked to me and bring me into hug

Dr. Matoi: "(Y/N), let me tell you something. Ryuko is my special little angel, even if I didn't showed it to her. I know you would never hurt her. Promise us one thing."

Dr. Hayami: "You two will lean toward each other for support."

Dr.Matoi: "Quest for stopping Ragyo will be hard, but not impossible. You two need each other."

Dr. Hayami: "You two have something special inside you, especially you (Y/N)"

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Dr.Matoi: "Remember when I told you we can use Life Fibers to create clothes? Ragyo went a step higher. She wanted to create a hybrid. Merging a human with Life Fibers could create a super human, stonger, faster, smarter."

Dr.Hayami: "We both worked for her. It wasn't too bad at first. I even were one of her best friends. But when both me and Isshin left you with her to look after you, she used this occasion to test if you could become a hybrid. Experiment was unsuccessful, the only thing left after it is the orange patch in your hair. Or that's what she thought. We watched you both and we knew about your fire powers and your regeneration. Life Fibers inside you must've awaken when you get that hit from the bald guy. Therefore you are a hybrid"

'What the fuck?! I'm some discarded experiment?! I swore to destroy Ragyo and every single Life Fiber in existence except for Neko and Senketsu! Now I really wish to be dead, but without my scythe I could just regenerate!"

Ripper of Fibers (Ryuko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now