Raid Trip/ Living the Nudist life

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A/N: Woah, we're half way there Woah, livin' on a prayer. Heyo guys, this chapter marks over half of Kill La Kill plot. We start with second opening, personally I think it was better than first. If you want, you can imaginate (Y/N) there. At the begining (Y/N) stands next to Ryuko staring at the camera. Then (Y/N) shows up with all Neko's trasformstions and then with his pajamas alongside with Aikuro's and Tsumugu's part. Koruno is showing his outfits in a Satsuki's. Later on the stage (Y/N) is walking next to Ryuko and Koruno is walking next to Satsuki. At the battle scene (Y/N) and Koruno clash alonside with Ryuko and Satsuki. At the final part Koruno stands with Elite Four and (Y/N) stands with Nudist Beach. Without wasting anymore time

Let's get started!

*(Y/N) POV, 3 kilometers from Kobe*

(Y/N): "Hey Neko, can you still tell where are Senketsu's pieces?"

Neko: "I lost track about 2 minutes ago."

Senketsu: "I can however feel every one of them, we are near."

Ryuko: "Didn't Neko said there are more pieces of Senketsu in Kyoto and Osaka? If yes then we need to hit them fast and hard"

(Y/N): "Is there any other way to hit someone?"

Ryuko: "I don't think so. (Y/N) I will tell it once. Fuck traffic rules! Floor it!"

(Y/N): "Your wish is my command, Ryuko" And with that I pulled throttle to the max "Ryuko, when we see guys with Senketsu's pieces, you will cut them off."

Ryuko: "Right!"

I took a sharp left turn and get off the highway onto the streets of Kobe. I was going twice the speed limit but we need to be fast about this. We spotted Honnouji's Academy logo on some trucks.

'We are close'

Senketsu: "(Y/N)! Take a sharp left here! I sense my pieces there!"

(Y/N): "Right, hang on!" I follow Senketsu's directions.

Senketsu: "Now right!"

(Y/N): "Will do! Ryuko get ready!"

Ryuko: "Already ready honey!"

I saw some metal piece on the right formed makeshift ramp. I used it to get my bike into air. As we were flying I spotted Gamagori and started to change our course with help of my power to help Ryuko with cutting pieces of Senketsu off student's uniforms. 

'Got you Gamagori'

When we landed on his face I revved my bike to leave a tire mark on it. We jumped off him and Ryuko continued to get all Senketsu's pieces. Gamagori looked at us shocked and angry

Gamagori: "(L/N)! How are you awake so fast?!"

(Y/N): "Let's just say I have a healing factor of a superhuman! Ryuko you got them all, right?"

Ryuko: "Yes. We would like to stay and chat, but we have to get Senketsu back!"

(Y/N): "Good luck with that shit here without your super soldiers Gamagori!" I said while driving off toward our next target, Kyoto.

(Y/N): "Thankfully those three cities are nearby. Senketsu you sensed them yet?"

Senketsu: "We are getting close. (Y/N)! Exit here!"

(Y/N): "Of course it would be this school!"

Ryuko: "What are you talking about (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Remember that Motorcycle Club president I got this bike from? He moved here. I just hope he doesn't want it back."

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