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A/N: And here we are. The finale of Kill la Kill story, but not a final chapter of this book :) We still have OVA to get over, as well as one or two extra chapters. Not wasting anymore time

Let's get started!

*Honnouji Academy, 3rd POV*

As you can hear a battle cry of numerous students on the courtyard of Honnouji Academy. The massive army all charge towards the transmitter tower. Once they are close enough, they form a massive tower. Sanageyama jumps on top of it.

Sanageyama: "Behold! This is the Super Ultima Uniform Hundred Man Assault! Charge!"

He tried to strike the tower but it activated it's barrier, pushing him back. He tried again with the same result.

Sanageyama: "We are not done yet!"

Sanageyama tried again, this time barrier knocked him down and he landed near everyone else.

Iori: "It's a super high-speed jammer! Millions of tiny Life Fibers are rotating at high speed..."

Mako: "Whoa! It's a huge rubber barrier!"

Gamagori: "Sanageyama!"

Nonon: "This is what you get for barging in on your own!"

Inumuta: "You never learn do you?"

Mikisugi: "Unless we take that jammer out..."

Tsumugu: "We can't do a thing huh?"

As they are planning how to take the jammer down, a massive explosion is heard from the tower overlooking the school.

*(Y/N) POV*

We are clashing against Nui and Ragyo, and let's just say. It's fucking hard. Me and Ryuko are going after Nui, Satsuki and Koruno are keeping Ragyo busy. Satsuki went to slash her with her blade but she just grabbed it and broke it in two. Then she dodged a strike from Koruno. 

Meanwhile me and Ryuko are clashing wit Nui. She blocked her attack with her new arms. Putting her index finger in a hole of Ryuko scissors and then easily dodging a swing from me.

Ragyo: "You four always behave in such an unsightly fashion. Let me show you who's boss."

A bright light shot out of her robes. I covered my eyes just like everyone. I looked around and it seems it's deactivated everyone's Goku Uniforms, along with our Kamuis

Ragyo: "Shinra Kouketsu: Absolute Domination!"

I just growled

(Y/N): "Neko, what's wrong?!"

Neko: "I can't move... I'm too scared..."

Senketsu: "I've lost all my strength... That light causes all who touch it to cower in terror!"

Ragyo: "Shinra Kouketsu rules over all Life Fibers. Any Life Fiber that opposes it will tremble in fear and lose all power. That is Absolute Domination."

She snapped her fingers and cameras all around transmitter opened up with life feed different places in the world

Ragyo: "Here are the pictures our communications satellite took from all over the world. Just take a look. Everyone across the globe is clad in REVOCS, Inc. clothing. Unleashing Absolute Domination across the whole world will awaken the Life Fibers lying dormant in those outfits. All of mankind will be consumed by clothing, and this planet will be covered in a single piece of cloth. Earth will become another Celestial Seed Cocoon Planet, and newborn Life Fibers shall once again spread across the universe."

Ripper of Fibers (Ryuko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now