What is he doing here!?/How was your sleep?

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A/N: Hi guys, sorry if you waited, anyway here is next chapter of "Ripper of Fibers", now i planned to do some changes, first speak, thoughts and whispers will be looking like this



and second, i planned to add opening and ending at the start and the end of the chapter, what do you guys think about this? Let me know in comments. Anyway without wasting anymore time, Let's get started!

(Y/N) P.O.V

Ryuko: "A-aunt Hayami is d-dead too?" she looked at me, tears started forming in her eyes again.

(Y/N): "Unfortunately yes. That's why I left. Your dad didn't want you to get involved so soon, that's why I just disappeared. When I arrived to uncle's mansion...

*Flashback 1 year ago, Matoi residence, (Y/N) P.O.V*

'Okay, I'm here, I'm still shocked, I mean, why?! Why would someone murder my mom, from what she written in letters, she was researching cure for some muscle disease, she and uncle Isshin worked on it for past ten years! What would some clothing company accomplish from it?!'

I walked up the stairs with my head down, my hair covered my eyes. I looked at my reflection in nearby window. I had dark bags under my bloodshot eyes, tear stains in my cheeks. I hesitantly knocked on the door. After a while it opened.

Dr. Matoi: "Nice to see you again (Y/N)" he said while approaching me and giving me a hug. "I'm sorry for your loss, come inside, we have things to talk about" after we broke the hug we stepped inside. I took a seat on couch near coffee table, uncle Isshin took a seat opposite of me.

Dr. Matoi: " First (Y/N), I will be saying that a lot, I'm sorry, It's my fault"

(Y/N): "What do you mean it's your fault?" I asked

'How could this be his fault? They wanted to make world better, from what I read this illness make your muscles weaker and weaker, many people with it can't live normal life. Their hearts could stop any moment. No way this is uncle Isshin fault.'

Dr. Matoi: "Your mom must've written to you in the letters that our research was on cure to some illness, well, that's a lie"


Dr. Matoi: "We have been working on alien parasite called 'Life Fibers'. Anyway, I will tell you more later, now second thing, your mother last will."

(Y/N): "Uncle, wait, wait, wait! So you and my mom were researching some alien parasites, how is that your fault that she was killed?"

Dr. Matoi: "The only people who knows about Life Fibers were me, your mom and Kiruyin Clan. Kiruyins wanted this knowledge for themselves so the easiest way to accomplish this was to kill both me and Hayami. They must have know where will she stay at that conference. I told her it would be too risky to expose yourself like that, we knew they are hunting us. I tried to talk her out of it, but you know how stubborn she was. If only I could stopped her she would still be alive." he said the last part while hanging his head low. "She left you a package, it's in the kitchen under sink"

I was shocked, but it quickly changed into anger, I know what to do now. 'They wanted this knowledge to themselves so they as well could take it to grave.' I walked into kitchen and saw rather big rectangular box with note 'For (Y/N) from Mom', I opened it and first thing I saw was some scythe with crimson needle like blade. Under it was (F/C) hoodie, with something resembling closed eyes on each shoulder. Then uncle Isshin walked in.

Dr. Matoi: "So she left you Crimson Needle, as well as Nekketsu"

'Nekketsu? Hot blood? What is so special with this hoodie so it have a name, at least it's in my favorite color'

Ripper of Fibers (Ryuko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now