Chapter 2 - Voxy

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"It was great catching up with you, Angie," you gave him a big kiss on the forehead making him smile sweetly. "I'll visit the hotel soon and don't you worry about Val,"

"I owe you so much, N/n,"

"You don't owe me shit, just let me see my son," you give the pornstar a serious glance.

"Fat Nuggets misses his mom," with a wide grin you both stand up and exit the booth, moving around the crowd and to the booth where the boys should have been you widen your eyes when you see them gone and a blast goes off outside.

"Oh for fucks sake!" You grab Angels hand and rush outside. Seeing the two rival overlords head to head, Val was watching happily from the side, Velvet now joining him.

"Oh shit..." blue sparks emit from Vox's hands as a portal appears behind Alastor, tenticles readying themselves to attack.

"Oh shit indeed," you grumble. Walking over just as they throw the first punches it soon turns into a full blown cat fight. Comically, dust rose up to create a cloud that won't let in on the details. Marching over, suddenly a cat screeches and exits the fight. Raising a brow you soon dismiss it and summon two sticks with ribbons on the end. Twirling it in the air you strike them forward making them extend and capture each overlord.

"What the-" as they both float in the air, your eyes now glowing f/c.

"Are you both ready to behave?" They look down at you; Vox had a scared face; Alastor had an annoyed grin. Noticing static still emitting from Vox's hands, trying to zap Alastor who's eyes were radio dials, you decided to tighten the restraints making them gasp for the polluted air.

"Ok we surrender!" Vox manages to say.

"Good," you loosen the ribbons causing them to let the overlords fall a few feet onto the ground. Taking a closer inspection you see scratches all over them; electrical burns on Alastor and strangle bruises on Vox. Obviously their clothes were ripped which made you groan considering that would be the third time this week you'd have to take Vox to the tailor.

"Very sorry about that," Alastor dusts off his coat, adjusting his shattered monocle while he was at it.

"Sorry my ass," you drag them both by the ear (Vox by the edge of his Tv screen) and away from the main road. Vox gave up on stopping you while Alastor emitted radio static which made you cringe. Once at the wall of the building you let go of their ears, though Alastor was half way to his full demon form. "What are you gonna do about it you strawberry pimp?" You give a challenging glare as the air filled with more static until it suddenly stopped.

"What the hell?" Angel mumbles.

"Thought so," clapping your hands together you wave Angel over. "Angel, take Alastor home, and do get his wounds treated, though I doubt they're that severe," noticing him clutching his stomach you roll your eyes and take off your shirt (you of course were wearing a sports bra underneath) causing the Radio demon to avert his eyes. Ripping a good strip off you lift his coat and tighten the fabric around his wound to stop the bleeding. "Take him home,"

"Thanks, N/n," you salute as they walk off, Alastor giving you a last glance, his smile etching into your mind.

"Now you," Vox gulps as you raise a hand and flick his screen. "You're a moron, now we have to take you to the tailor again!" Grabbing the bridge of your nose you walk to the porn studio, the three V overlords close behind. "Lets just fix your those scratches then we can all go home,"

"Fine..." Velvet shuts off her camera, concluding the video likely for her Voxtagram.

"I expect you all to be back here at 8 AM on the dot, we are all going to the tailor because of Vox's stupid actions,"

"What?!" The female and moth overlord shout in disbelief.

"You heard me,"


"I'm sorry, Y/n," as you tended to Vox's cuts he consistently said sorry, earning no reaction from you... that was until now.

"You're a moron," now moving onto his cracked screen you used loftier glass glue to fix the chipped glass.

"Ok to be fair(!), he did call me a mechanical television, so I think me retaliating was well deserved," giving him a serious look he immediately laughed. "Kidding..."

"Just don't do it again," he salutes making you chuckle. Feeling as though you were a little too harsh on him, you give him a soft kiss on the lips. (Look I know he's a tv screen but he smokes and he can eat too! (Evident from Velvets insta posts) Just- I don't even know... would it help if you imagine him in his human form???? I'll just shut up)

"I won't," he mumble once he pulls back.

"Thank you, Voxy," placing your hands on his screen you feel him heating up.

"I haven't gotten you back for calling me Voxy in public," his grin grows making you shrink. "Which means..." he admires his claws before leaping onto you. A laugh erupts from your mouth as he leaves no room for mercy. Tickling you to second death was what it felt like. Agony or glee? Same thing in this situation for you.

"V- Vox! S-st-" at this point you couldn't muster any words.

"Does the Dance demon want mercy?" wriggling in his arms with a plastered red face you give a desperate nod. "Alright then," the moment he let go of your sides you relaxed and caught your breath.

"You're horrible,"

"The worst best friend, I'm sure," he says with a smirk. Though you two agreed that no feelings were to be attached with your 'activities' Vox couldn't help but feel demon butterflies rise in his stomach when you talked to him, laughed at his jokes, lightly touched him and worst of all... kissed him. It was torture knowing he couldn't call you his but of course he respected his decision considering what he's told you. Your mortal life was a valid reason for no attachments both in life and death.

Being damned to hell of course wasn't the most ideal thing...

You thought you would just be another vulnerable being in a world of sin...

But that all stopped when you found your place above all the denizens of hell, still below the overlords of course.

You- well the details of that story will be revealed later... can't dump it out all at once now can we?


Bing bong (also that drawing is not mine I just coloured it in (which was such a vibe to do on a Sunday morning))

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Bing bong (also that drawing is not mine I just coloured it in (which was such a vibe to do on a Sunday morning))

- Anna ❤️

Dance with Radio Demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now