Chapter 3 - Niffty

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The atmosphere was calming, just a casual day, though it seemed a few terf fights were going on; terf fights and not terf wars because they were petty and rather boring brawls. You were enjoying a chat with Val as he opted to drop you off at the hotel as an apology for scaring Angel last night. However, you knew that won't be the last time he touches Angel.

"Thanks, Val," you first pump the pimp and got out the limo. "I'll call when I'm done," he nods and closes the door for you. Staring up at the large hotel that seemed to go on for miles both upwards and behind you hear a crash and bang from inside. The door suddenly opens up at low behold the princess herself was here to greet you.

"Hi! Welcome to the Happy Hotel!"

"It's says Hazbin," you point to the sign making the princess run out a peer up.

"Al! Can you stop changing it??" The princess pleads.

"Very well, my dear!" You hear said Radio Demon call from inside. A strike of lightning hits the sign, changing it back to 'Happy Hotel'.

"Is Angel here?" The heir nods and welcomes you in.

"I'm Charlie!" She holds out her hand for you to take, you doing so with a slight hesitancy due to the grey demon glaring from afar.

"Y/n... what's up with her?" Charlie turns around and rolls her eyes.

"That's Vaggie, she's just a little bit protective," you hum and summon your ribbon and catch Angel just as he was going to tackle you to the ground.

"Try again next time, Angie," he pouts, dropping to the ground behind you.

"You suck," giving him the classic finger guns and wink he stands up and spins you around.

"I know, now where is my son?" This time you didn't see him coming but Fat Nuggets tackled you to ground, despite his very small mass. Grunting and spinning around you let the pig lick your face. "I missed you too, Baby boy,"

"Eh... who's the gal?" The Cat demon by the bar stopped his binge drinking and turned to Alastor.

"Y/n, a friend of Angel Dust," As you lifted and cradled the pig Alastor watched you silently which caused the Cat Demon, Husk, to look at him weirdly. Suddenly a small red headed demon rushes up to your side beyond excited at your appearance.

"Hi, I'm-"

"Y/n, I know! I'm a big fan! I have something I need to show you!" She holds up her hellphone to show a wattpad book.

Friends with the dance demon

"It has like 50 readers!" With your grin widening you bend down to her height and push down the phone.

"Why make fanfics when you can really be friends with me?" Her already expanded eye seems to bulge out making you giggle.

"Seriously?! Like we can go out and shop? Have like coffees? Talk about boys??" Her pitch seems to increase by every question as you nod to each one. "Cool!"

"Now how about we talk about this fanfic?" Taking her hand and walking with her, you both followed Angel to the elevator.


"So why don't you become and overlord?" As Niffty scribbled down more notes for her book you happily told her about everything that she would like to know.

"Oh, that's a good question," as you three reach the dining room for dinner you continue. "I do think I have the powers to do so but I'd rather stick to dancing... however I do have a bit of territory near Voxy,"

Dance with Radio Demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now