Chapter 15 - Damn you

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You were enjoying a nice cup of tea/coffee in your kitchen after a rehearsal. Hoping for a quiet afternoon of anything but moping; despite your hopes of ridding your feelings towards a certain Radio Demon it seemed hell had granted you nothing of the sort. As you sipped at your drink hopeful not to burn your tongue a demon bursting through your doors and making you spill the hot liquid everywhere put those efforts to waste.

"MOTHER F-" You jump out your seat and pat away the hot liquid with your nearby blanket.

"Y/n!" The voice makes you spin to the assailant who was holding a nice dress and some heels.

"For Satan's sake, Velv!" She looks at the mess and giggles.


"Oops?? OOPS?!" You were about to go on a rant but your friend stopped you.

"Put this on, I have a surprise," Narrowing your eyes at the F/c dress she gestured to she persists more by dumping it in your hands. "No buts, go put it on! Oh and do your makeup!" Without any choice she pushed you into your bathroom and locked the door.

"Oh come on!" Knowing there was no point in negotiating you looked at the classy dress which was just your size; it had thin straps and a flowy skirt that just reached above your knees; The heels matched the colour of the dress and were in the style of classic ballroom dancing heels.


No clue.

You had not an ounce of an idea where you were headed...

That may be because Velvet refused to tell you...

Or maybe it was because she blindfolded you?! But the concern for that had passed, now was the waiting game. As the car drove along with a few bumps (which you had guessed were sleeping drunk demons) you twiddled your thumbs in anticipation.

As you were about to ask where you were headed, the car stopped and you were pulled out. Stumbling slightly you were lead into a light and classy room, which you could tell by the soft lights that only slightly peaked through the top of the blindfold and melodic music being played.

Too engulfed by the music you paid no attention to the fact you were now seated somewhere outside due to the sudden contrast in temperature. you waited patiently hoping not to tick Velvet off by asking where you were or if you could take off the blindfold.

There was the shuffling of feet and the pulling back of the chair in front of you... of course this was blind date! Already planning Velvet immediate death you felt the cloth over your eyes loosen and fall. The light was soft enough outside that you didn't need that much time to adjust but when you did your heart seemed to stop.

In front of you was the person you dreaded to see for the past month or so... Alastor.

"Fuck..." He blinked a few times before turning to the door of the balcony which had shut and locked, Velvet and Angel grinning from behind the glass. Swiftly standing up you walk to the door and try and open it. "Angel! Velvet! Open up!"

"No way, sugar!" Banging on the door continuously the two seemed to giggle and shake their heads.

"Please, open up!" This time you sounded more desperate; Which, though you couldn't tell, broke Alastors heart just a little more than it already was. After a full minute of continuous banging you had given up and gone to the balcony where you put your hand through only for a shock of electricity to be sent to you. "Damn you, Vox..."

"Dinner is served!" Angels and Velvets voice blasts through speakers which makes you jump. One plate of Venison appears in front of Alastor, a plate of (favourite food) in front of where you should be seated.

"Dammit," You avoided eye contact with Alastor as you sat down and poked at the food which, you couldn't deny, looked delicious. Both sitting in silence, enjoying your dinner, you couldn't bare the silence, but realised talking would be so much worse.


"This isn't working," Angel mumbles.

"Yeah, no shit!" Velvet groans and leans back in the chair as she watched you both ignore each other, though you more than Alastor. "What do we do?"

"Hmm..." The spider thought long and hard but was quick to come up with a solution. "Music!"


As you took another bite of your food you hear the sound of music fill the balcony; more specifically 'a dream is a which your heart makes' but the instrumental version. Dammit! You were a sucker for cinderella and everyone knew it! You continued to eat, though subconsciously you tapped your foot the beat, moving it from side to side.

"Did you want to dance?" Alastor gives a weary smile which makes you finally meet his eyes.

"If you don't say yes, you ain't getting off that balcony!" Internally groaning, you place away your napkin and stand up. Alastor lends his hand, which you hesitantly take, ignoring the tingly feeling nipping at your finger tips. His hand rested gently on your waist though it seemed more careful as if you were a vase moments away from shattering.

You both swayed from side to side though noticeably more stiff in movement compared to your first dance. Both your eyes averted, there was tension and not the good kind. It wasn't negative... just uncomfortable. You could feel yourself shaking which caused Alastor to look down at you, concerned. For once in his many decades in hell... he frowned.

He frowned and you could sense the change in atmosphere. When you did build up the courage to look at him your swaying stopped the moment you the out of place facial expression.

"I've never seen you frown," you mumble quietly.

"That's because I've never cared enough... you're shaking," you back up slightly and let go of his hand, crossing your arms.

"S-Sorry," a moment passed before he spoke.

"Y/n... do I scare you?"


Dun dun dun

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Dun dun dun....

Ok that wasn't much of cliffhanger but meh

- Anna ❤️

Dance with Radio Demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now