Chapter 10 - Replacements

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Madam Régine is inspired by Régine Le Haut from Ballerina (or Leap! If you're in the USA) as pictured above!


Running into the studio as fast as you could you punch your time card and enter the studio in seconds.

"You're two minutes late," Madam Régine stood there looking at her pocket watch. Despite her era being the early 1800s she conformed to modern dance though she did still wear something you'd see in the 1820 fashion catalogue. Her black hair was styled into a Gibson girls style, and accessories were limited to a bow around her waist. Her nose pointed at the end, eyes sharp like a hawk, staring down at you with disapproval.

"Apologies, Madam,"

"If you weren't my best dancer you'd be thrown onto the streets," she lifts your chin as you caught your breath. "We don't want that to happen do we?" You swiftly shake your head. "Get in position,"

"Yes, Madam," you place your bag at the side as she briefed the back up dancers about her new vision. She would never demonstrate the moves so instead she would call out positions and moves which you would have to know off by heart.

"Philippe, you will be Y/n's partner," the tall blonde incubus stood up and straightened out his waistcoat. His hair gelled back, teeth a pearly white and eyes an entrancing red that reminded you of a certain someone.

"Salutations, mon amour," The words rolled off his tongue with a thick French accent.

"Hello to you too,"

"Enough chit chat! First position!"


The day prolonged until your first break in which you and Philippe decided to go outside for some not so fresh air. You both chatted aimlessly as your partner took a drag of his cigarette, passing time until the next session. It was enjoyable until a sleek black car pulled up.

"Your lover boy is here," you look away from Philippe to the car where Vox exited. "See you inside," he flicks away his cigarette and crushes it against the pavement.


"What do you want?" You snarled. Vox places both his hands behind his back.

"I want to say sorry, doll,"

"Don't call me 'doll' as if we're still friends," he sighs and nods. "You know what happened in my past life, you knew and yet you still did it,"

"I didn't mean to! I- I thought you were that damn Radio demon!"

"Yet in the short time you saw me you still struck," you say with a scoff. "Just leave me alone... go find someone else,"

"No one can replace you, Y/n,"

"I'm sure Val can," you mumble just loud enough for him to hear. You open the studio door and slam it behind you leaving Vox to stand there in shock.


"Again!" Régine's deafeningly high pitched voice calls out through the studio. Running back to your place Philippe waits patiently for you to approach him. Going through the entire dance with your instructor nit picking at each mistake eventually the day ended and you bid your dance partner goodbye.

Catching the bus back to your house, you placed on your headphones and start to listen to (favourite music genre). Jumping off the bus just as it passes your house you roll right into your mailbox. Rubbing your head a little you stand up and walk through your front door. Tossing your bag to the side you start to cook dinner for yourself; settling in front of the TV when you were done.


"Y/n, stay behind," Madam Régine announces making some female backup dancers snicker and you to flip them off. "Will Vox and Valentino be attending this weekends performance?"

"I hope not," you grumble but she just caught it.

"And why not?" She growls.

"Vox and me aren't friends anymore but Val May still attend-"

"Unacceptable!" You flinch at her volume. "We need people high in status to attend!"

"Come on, Madam! One overlord is enough! Maybe Velvet will attend?-"

"That tech obsessed doll? She is worthless!" For a low ranking sinner Madam Régine has guts to call velvet such a thing. "Find replacements or you're on the streets!"

"Yes, Madam," you tighten your bag straps and walk out the studio to catch the next bus. As you waited to jump out onto your lawn you remembered some people you could invite. "That's it!" Just as the bus driver sped up, knowing you'd jump out, hoping you'd get hurt, he furrows his bushy brows in confusion when you stayed on.


"I'm back!" Your announcement gets Niffty and Fat Nuggets to reach you first. "Hey guys!"

"Back already?" You nod to Alastor who had asked the question.

"I actually have a favour to ask of you guys," the rest walk in to see the commotion.

"What is it?"

"Her dance instructor wants high status demons to attend the performance because Vox and N/n aren't friends anymore," Angel answers for you.

"Bingo! So who's up for it?" Before Vaggie could decline for the group Charlie clasped a hand over her mouth and answered instead.


"You are a life saver, Charlie!" Hugging the demon princess quickly you soon thanked them all and left in a hurry.


"Have you found suitable replacements?" Madam Régime asks one front of the rest, hopeful to humiliate you.

"Actually I have!" You tie your shoelaces and stand up proud.

"Who could possibly replace the TV Demon Overlord?" She scoffs in amusement.

"The Radio Demon and Princess of hell," you say nonchalantly, admiring your nails, giving your instructor the side eye as her jaw drops. "I hope that suffices," you turn to her as she nods it in disbelief.

"Y-yes, uhm... everyone in position!" She claps her hands.


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- Anna ❤️

Dance with Radio Demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now