Chapter 11 - Perform

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Meghan, the costume designer for each performance at the club, had chosen a burgundy chiffon dress which was was short but had one layer of chiffon around the waist, a slit put in for movement.

"Always the one for fashion, Meg,"

"Always the one for sucking up to overlords, Y/n," in response you shoot her some cheesy finger guns before walking out the dressing room.

"Fucking bitch," you mumble quietly. Passing a few dancers backstage you see Philippe waiting backstage, talking to Madam Régine.

"There she is! Took Meghan long enough," she grabs both you and Philippes collar, dragging you both to the stage. "Do not disappoint me," she pats both your heads before leaving.

"Wretched witch," Philippes accent shines through as he insults the woman. "Ready, mon amour?"

"As I'll ever be, fuck boy," he winks and lets you get into position. Through the darkness you noticed the Hazbins sitting at the centre of the room. The music starts up and immediately you start the routine.

Alastors eyes widen as he sees a man enter the stage, circling you which you copied. Of course as the dance continued the more provocative the moves became. To the surprise of a few, those few being the Hazbins, Alastors eyes flickered from radio dials to his normal crimson ones. Just a few moments after the man left the stage after his part had been fulfilled the Radio demon took his leave to find a way backstage.

You of course took notice as the subtle glow in his eyes brightened and left through the crowd. Finishing off the routine you saw the entire group clap and whoop in celebration.

"Go, N/n!"


"See you later, Philippe!"

"Goodbye, mon amour!" The incubus waves you goodbye as he dabs his forehead with a wet cloth. Opening your dressing room door you sit in your chair and take off your accessories.

"Is that his name?" Nearly falling off your chair you turn to the door to see Alastor leaning against it. "Philippe... originating from Greek and Latin of course... doesn't quite suit the French accent,"

"Is that the name history lesson of the day?" You shoot back.

"Is that really the type of dancing you get up to?" He asks, ignoring your comment.

"You know it is, it's hell, would you rather me waltz around in a tutu for the drunks?" He walks forward and lifts your head to face him in the mirror.

"I would rather you not do such provocative dancing," he dusts off your shoulder and sneers. "Especially not with that Philippe,"

"Are you... jealous?" You snort and hold back more of your laugh.

"I am no such thing!" He scoffs and walks away.

"Al, Philippe is gay!" His eyes widen as he hides an embarrassed blush from you, turning fully towards the corner of the room. "Aww, Mr Radio Demon is jealous," you say in a baby voice.

"So what if I am?" You stop your mocking and look at him in shock and confusion. Seeing your reaction his confidence grows, his smirk widening. "Can't just have the most beautiful dame dancing with any man can I?" He leans down towards you as you lean back in your chair. "Especially when she should be dancing with me," your body didn't seem to listen to your pleading to decrease the blush rising to your cheeks.


"Now, can we?" He asks again as your eyes dilate. With your heart picking up its pace you couldn't help but lean forward ever so slightly until you did something you never think you would have done to the Radio Demon himself; You kissed him! Alastor of course took this by surprise but slowly moved his hand up to your cheek. With both your eyes sealed shut, taking in the moment your mind went else where.

Bright lights flashed by in a whirl wind of emotions. You were overtaken with fear; fear of committing like before; fear of the feelings this had lead to. Pulling back quickly Alastor looked at you confused.

"I- I'm sorry- I shouldn't have done that,"


"I should go," you take your bag and leave the room quickly. Running out the back door you pass Madam Régime who had called for you when she saw you.

"Miss L/n!" Ignoring her call you also passed the Hazbins who had been granted access backstage.

"Hey, N/n-" You quickly punched your time card and left the studio without another word. Your heels clicked against the caving in pavement, puddles splashing every few seconds. A repetitive beat which you would usually walk to was now gone, the steps now inconsistent and random.


"What the- yo, Al! What happened?" Angel dust caught sight of a confused Alastor, his eyes furrowed and smile faltering. When Angel did take into account that he exited your dressing room, the spiders eyes turned dark, he pushed Alastor up against the wall. "What. Did. You. Do?!" He growled.

"Angel-" Charlie tried to interfere only for Vaggie to hold her back.

"What did you do to her?! Answer me you smiling bastard!" Alastors head tilted to the side in a limo manner, his eyes Radio dials. "Answer me! Did you touch her?!" The groups faces drop in seemed his questions snapped Alastor out his trance.

"I did no such thing!" Alastors distorted and rather terrifying voice rung out around backstage making a few stop and scatter.

"Then why did she leave?!" Husk now had to interfere, ditching his booze to hold Angel back. "Get off me! Tell me what happened!" Alastor drops to the ground, his support only being the cracked walls.

"Al, what happened?" Charlie bends down as the overlords head drops.


Is- is this Angst?

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Is- is this Angst?


- Anna ❤️

Dance with Radio Demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now