Chapter 8 - Patching up

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Now you haven't driven a manual in a while- or driven for that matter... and you could tell that Alastor could tell... poor Radio Demon has to stand the first five or ten minutes of you getting used to driving again.

But once you got it you were both on your way. The ride was quiet but it wasn't uncomfortable, there was more of a concerned feeling lingering in the air; It could have been from you or Alastor but not a word was spoken to clarify it.

Pulling up to the Hotel you were quick to get out the car and help Alastor out. Of course he was against it saying he was fine and capable but you insisted. Now that you were both in the elevator silence still clouded both of you. He directed you to his room which, upon entering, was noticeably larger than the others.

"Careful," you mumble, helping him into his bed. "Angel said there was a medical kit in the kitchen so I'll be right back," you walk out his room, noting the room number and the floor. Tapping your foot patiently against the carpeted floor of the elevator you reach the dining room and quickly found the medical kit in the corner; of course this was hell and hospitals weren't exactly a thing unless you were a pregnant hell born, so in place of that there would always be large medical kits fit for full on surgery, lucky you!

You opened Alastors door to see him sitting on his bed, his coat now to the side. Taking out the necessary items for the 'procedure' Alastor started to unbutton his shirt to reveal the gash. Ignoring the urge to check him out subtly you handed him the belt he had put aside.

"This is gonna hurt," he rolls his eyes and placed the belt between his mouth. As predicted he clenched his jaw the moment the rubbing alcohol touched his skin. Dabbing it as carefully as you could you rid his skin of dried and fresh blood. Stitching up the wound only caused him to shift in discomfort, almost ripping his sheets as he dug his claws into them. "Almost done," you say softly. When you were, you felt Alastor physically relax. When you finally took a look at his face you saw his smile still plastered on. "Do you ever stop smiling?"

"You're never full dressed without a smile, my dear!" Rolling your eyes you look down at your mess of a dress.

"How about you get that leg stitched up while I find some change of clothes in Angies room?"

"Alright," you leave the room to find Angels. Wandering down the halls you distracted your mind from Vox and focused on not getting lost. Hearing a snort come from the door opposite the one you suspected to be Angels you chuckle.

"Hey, Nugs," you take the pig into your arms after opening the door, carrying him to Angels large wardrobe. "Your dad won't mind right?" He snorts which you took as a yes. Taking angels shorts and one of his very oversized shirt you slip them on. Tying a knot with the shirt it still fell past your knees. "Dammit," taking a hair tie you tie up your hair and walk back to Alastors room.

With Nuggets still in your arms you knock on the Radio Demons door and open it when he says come in. There he was, adjusting his old timey radio by his night stand.

"That thing is ancient,"

"It was the newest model, my dear,"

"Key word: was, Al," he chuckles and turns to you once the jazz channel came on.

"It seems Angels clothing is a little too big on you?" You place the pig down on the ground.

"Wow! Aren't you a smart little demon?" You say mockingly as he walks to his closet and takes out a red dress shirt. He hands it over to you as you looked at it weirdly.

"Would you rather look like a little girl trying her mothers clothes on?" He smirks as you narrow your eyes and walk to his bathroom. Taking off the shirt you place on the maroon shirt which you noticed is what he usually wore.

"I look snazzy," you say once out the bathroom, sending the Radio demon some jazzy finger guns. He seems to stand there, a slight pink tint on his cheeks, but stops when Fat Nuggets squeals and runs out from under the bed. Alastors shadow soon followed with a grin. "Seriously?"

"He was chewing on the carpet," the deer demon says simply, turning away from you and looking at the view.

"Be a little nicer to the pig, he is baby," you pick up the pink ball of cuteness and start to coo to it. "Isn't That right? My little darling? Aren't you such a wonderful-"

"Piece of bacon?" You gasp in offence and shield Fat Nuggets from Alastor who had a shit eating grin on his face.

"How dare you?! My little boy deserves no such thing," cradling him close to your body Alastor spins around and walks forward.

"He's food," he leans forward to the pig who whimpers in fright.

"You're mean," he hums in amusement. "Give the little thing a chance, Mr Radio Demon," you hold the pig out to him.

"I have, he tried to eat my carpet,"

"Once, only once!" You say quickly. "Try holding him," the demon scowls at the suggestion. "Please?~"


Find out if he holds fat nuggets next time on

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Find out if he holds fat nuggets next time on... ANNA IS SPIRALLING AND MAKING BAD FANFICS!!!

Brought to you by Winston cigarettes

(Don't smoke that's bad for you, mama Anna will hunt you down if you start smoking)

- Anna ❤️

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