Curtain Call by rosewaltz - reviewed by Ctrain8

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Username: rosewaltz
Title: Curtain Call
Genre: Romance
Amount of reviewed chapters: 11
Reviewer: Ctrain8

1. Title
The title seems fine, and it focuses on what happens after whatever performance the characters are to do when the audience gives applause. I hope that in the story has a certain significance when the actual curtain call does home to prove this title worthy. It also has a ring to it, which is nice.

2. Cover
The cover is very professional and well made. As I've said in past reviews, I'm not great at reviewing covers, but I can tell when I see a good one. So, you have nothing to really worry about here.

However, your cover really does spoil the plot. It shows an obvious Aarav dancing with an obvious Jackie. I knew when I first saw this cover that that would be the ending or the product of the plot, which I don't know if you knew that or if it was intentional but heads-up.

3. Description 
The description focuses on the characters especially, which makes sense because this is a romance. It gives just enough information, and not enough that it would overwhelm us. It is simply to say you have a good description. The only thing I wondered about was whether this Westminster Academy is a college or a high school (although it is revealed in the first chapter). That's all. I joke with myself sometimes that the review never really starts until we get to number 4.

For the extended description, I won't read that because beyond the actual description I'm looking to see if your actual writing provides what that infodump gave.

4. Plot
While the plot is somewhat hidden and loose in Act 1, it was still there enough that we as readers could hold on. There was Jackie's hopes of getting Liam, there was Aarav's anticipation for the play, and also the general tension of being #1 in the class. I would say that's enough, although I would also want you to try and stress some of those points a bit more and maybe even add in other variables like stricter time constraints, increased competition with another school for the theater (this would be great for Aarav's chapters), and maybe something else. The general hidden tension between Aarav and Liam because of Jessica is a good edition, too.

I already mentioned the problem with the plot in the cover review section, so I won't talk about that here, except for the beginning chapter. In the first chapter you basically outline what the plot would end up being.

5. Writing
As a quick note before we really get into this, I did notice the mentions of what was lucky and what was not. It's interesting to see luck (from her Vietnamese-rooted upbringing) play a part in Jackie's life.

Very clever having the act and scene names as the chapter titles. Nice touch. It's also interesting to see, while maybe not directly, through Jackie's eyes with the #1, #2, and #3. AKA the cliche romance assignees. I thought it was an interesting touch and gave her character more substance. However, this is never mentioned or brought up again. If she applies theater ideas to her own life, why would she suddenly stop doing so? This is a big problem and is quite overlooked so I beg you to please fix this.

As for characters (besides the point mentioned above) you write them quite well.

There's an annoying little thing in your book which peeps out again and again. It's a habitual word of yours, and it's that word I've been commenting on. "Male". This word used to title people casually is so painfully awkward to read I can't describe it. This is also done, although less so, with the word "female". There are good habits and bad ones, and this is a bad one. I highly recommend you go through your book and replace every "male" and "female" that you wrote.

There could be a tad more imagery, but for this book it isn't exactly paramount.

6. Characters 
Jackie is naive and new, which is nothing bad. She knows this. But, what she may not know is that she is naive in an even deeper sense. She may have a huge love for acting and theater, but she has an even bigger obsession with Liam. I hope that her arc continues and she realizes this and how foolish it is. Her character is also interesting. She feels like she has something to prove, and will not stop until she proves that. She has great aspirations while in reality is far from those. It would be an interesting story to see her dreams come true, but maybe not in the easy way. I have no doubt that you have a good character here.

I noticed this part when I read Aarav's chapter. I commented this, but I'll put it in the review anyway: You have a talent for adapting the writing style to fit whichever character you represent. It's a very good skill, and something that takes time to learn. Again, I noticed this with Aarav, but if I were to discuss his character I wouldn't have any complaints. He's my favorite character here, actually. I love the secret mention of Jessica. It gives his character a lot more substance.

7. Overall
Overall, you have a good story. While it does lean into cliches and while the plot is a little wishy washy and lacks necessary tension and progress, your book is pretty good. I say this because your strong suit is obviously characters. All the characters you write have very distinct voices, personalities, and backgrounds which is very important and well done. Your plot could be stronger and idle less, as we especially see in the middle chapters where it slows down.

Anyway, that's all I have for you today. I really enjoyed reading your book and wish you the best success in the future! Keep writing and keep going with your story, as it's a really good one.

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