Chapter 3

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'She didn't recognize me.' He thought sulkingly as he trudged back to the safety of the forge. 'Did she and the rest of Berk forget about me as I thought? I guess I never really told her my feelings outright, why should she remember the local runt? The town screwup. The fishbone. The -' he shook his head to do away with the dreaded thoughts.

Hiccup was a forgotten memory it seems.
Allowing Night to take his place.

It was surprisingly easy to get the job of dragon/prisoner caretaker when he first got here. Oldest trick in the book: make them think it was their idea. What he said to Astrid was true, he did get caught in the storm, but he wasn't passing on his way to Peaceable's for trade.
Oh no, he intended to come to Outcast's, he just didn't initially intend to get caught.

When he and Toothless washed up on shore, he found that the rod in his tail was bent out of shape... again. He had to use the Outcast's forge, and that's when he got caught.

Outcasts were one of the few islands to believe in the dreaded Dragon Master, so he wisely chose to leave his signature Dragon mask in Toothless's saddlebag. They bought his 'shipwrecked' story and the rest was history. That was a few days ago, and thankfully no one's discovered Toothless yet.

He was going to pull an all-nighter if he had to, he was determined to finish fixing his best friend's tail tonight. He had to rescue the dragon's he came for... He had to save Astrid.

Despite everything; Distance; Time; Even being forgotten: He still held feelings for her.

She may have forgotten him, but he certainly remembered her.


Outcast guards noticed the strange blacksmith working throughout the night. Good. More weapons for the time they set off to war against the dreaded Demon Rider.

The lad never said where he was from, but they assumed some far off land by his strange armour. Decorative by the looks of it. A trophy of scales off some dragon. Maybe painted black?
The boy was a blacksmith but when he was searched for weapons they found nothing of any use. A blacksmith, but not a fighter. No wonder he was so easy to capture.
They left the useless sword handle he had with him, ordering him to finish making it and add it to their collection.

There was something odd about the blacksmith, but he churned out swords by the dozen so they were quite happy to ignore him. To occupy their time with more pressing matters than chasing down the history of some lowly slave.


Toothless had spent his time on Outcast hiding from locals. Not too hard when your scales blended into the bleak landscape. If he sat very still with his eyes closed in the shade, passerby's saw a large rock rather than a NightFury. Not that anyone other than his rider knew what a NightFury truly looked like.

When they chose to free dragons from Viking cages, His little Viking was very careful to keep them both hidden. They only acted to ensure that neither Vikings nor Dragons were harmed in the raids. His rider typically stayed on his back except to open cage doors when all Vikings were too busy to notice.
Of course, things don't always go to plan.

The first time he revealed himself was in a rather large island with a large Viking village. Meat-Head Island, he believed his rider said. At this point, the raids had become rather routine. Fly in, disable catapults before they know they were there, while the Viking on the ground were distracted by the dragons, Him and Hiccup rescue the caged dragons, then blow up the cage to cover their tracks.
Silly Vikings never seem to learn.

Except, that time, something bad happened. A tiny female Viking hatchling, wearing the colour of the brightest skies and clutched a strange little soft thing in her arms. She was crying and one of the caged Monstrous Nightmares were still blinded by rage about being locked up. He broke away from the group and blindly chased after the girl.
When Toothless and Hiccup noticed this, Hiccup didn't hesitate to lock Toothless's tail and use the unusual wings he made for himself to glide to the rescue.

He waved his flame sword - Inferno Hiccup called it - at the Nightmare and succeeded in calming it down. However, he had been seen by more than a handful of Vikings, including the smaller Viking girl. Before they started yelling at him, the Nightmare allowed him on his back and flew him back to Toothless.

The Nightmare felt so ashamed as they flew back to their base. When they landed, he just curled up and slept for the rest of the week.
Hiccup did his best to cheer him up, and while the Nightmare did cheer up, he never strayed far from their island like the other dragons.

Ever since then, Vikings have called out many names other than the common "NIGHTFURY!" When they came. Toothless didn't like how they were directed at his little Viking instead of himself, but it didn't exactly matter according to Hiccup.

He suspected his little Viking secretly liked the dramatic flare behind it.

A smell wafted passed him and knocked him out of his daydreaming. Someone was coming. A Viking.

He sat still as a rock.

He waited.




Lick attack!

"Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out!" Hiccup laughed quietly. Toothless didn't understand why his little Viking always thought saying that would stop him.
Vikings were strange.
Especially this one, but in a good way.

Then he stopped, sniffing. Ever since they landed here, the bigger Vikings were unkind to his little Viking. Far worse than the island they met at. He strategically licked any darkened patches and scratches on his rider's skin he came across. Letting his healing saliva do its thing.
"Thanks, bud."

There was a new scent on him too. Not attached to the bruises, no. It was a familiar scent on him. One he hadn't smelled since they left that first island together. A female's scent that seemed to leave his Viking both happy, regretful, and confused.

"I met an old friend today." Toothless cocked his head, perking up his ears to show he was listening. "She lived on the island I grew up on, you remember."
Yes. The island his little Viking was from. Hiccup seemed to avoid it like an eel. He couldn't leave the dragons there undefended of course, but when they flew in a raid, then never landed. Most times they didn't even go near the ground, they strategically blew up the catapults: one, two, three, and finally blew up the arena, any doors there blown open and unleashing the trapped dragons.

Toothless was happy by the fact that the dragons seem to be trapped there less and less lately.

Toothless nuzzled Hiccup's midsection in an attempt to comfort him.
"She doesn't seem to remember me though." Hiccup whispered wistfully, absentmindedly scratching his friend's head.

Toothless purred in sympathy for his all but blood brother.

"She hasn't changed much. She's still hanging strong even though she's trapped deep in the caverns. We have to save her too, bud. No way will I leave her here. That's why we're freeing everyone today." Toothless perked up, does that mean what he thinks it means?

He question was answered when Hiccup displayed the piece that made his tail work. He started jumping for joy, bounding circles around his best friend.
"Hold still." He laughed. "I've still got to get this rod on."
Toothless froze, waiting patiently for the missing piece of the puzzle to be hooked back into place. As soon as Hiccup was done, he straightened and dusted his hands off.

"Okay bud, we're leaving tonight. Here's the plan..."

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