Chapter 7

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Once the group managed to get back to Berk in a somewhat seaworthy boat (courtesy of the twin's recklessness), Stoick announced the war between Vikings and dragons over. The Isle of Berk rejoiced at having the long lost heir return.

As Vikings, they celebrated for the better part of two weeks at having Hiccup back. After how inflated Snotlout's ego had grown in his absents, they realised it was probably better to have a caring leader with more than mutton between his ears: rather than big, strong and witless.

Snotlout was surprised himself at how uncaring he was at losing his title. Maybe it was the mead, maybe it was the celebrative atmosphere or maybe the hard part of actually learning about leading and politics which he still didn't understand.

He had to keep up appearances though, so he walked through the village with a mild scowl on his face.

Maybe he'll track down Astrid somewhere, she's been in a remarkably good mood ever since she got a pet dragon.
He'll have to ask Hiccup to train his own one day soon.

He spotted a growingly familiar Deadly Nadder fly overhead towards the newly claimed Dragon arena - dragon stables - and headed there.

Once there, though, he found Astrid and Hiccup kissing.

Was he heartbroken? Devastated? Upset?
He was a little, not nearly as much as he thought he'd be.

Plain guilty at how he treated both of them?
More than he thought.

He doubled back around the wall and stomped a few times to announce his presence. Putting on a mean look, he called:

When he turned the corner they were meters apart. Each grooming their dragons facing away from each other. Hiccup looked up.
"Snotlout?" He asked cheerfully. If Snotlout hadn't witnessed it for himself, he wouldn't have known Hiccup was hiding something (Snotlout entirely missed the underlying worry in Hiccups tone).
"I'm callin' you out! If you're disappearing for a few years and coming back like you own the place then you gotta fight for it!"

"Hmm, I see, so you want to fight for the title of heir to Berk?"
"Not exactly, leading the village is exhausting but I don't want you thinking coming back is that easy. If I win, you have to give me a dragon!"
"And if I win?" He asked, genuinely curious - as was his nature - this was unlike the bullying older cousin he used to know. If it were: then he'd demand the dragon outright and start fighting him if he refused. He would've given Snotlout a dragon anyway if he just asked nicely. His cousin was clearly up to something, but it strangely didn't scream selfish motive yet.

"If you win I'll..." he hadn't thought that part through yet, but then he remembered why he was doing this. If he won, Astrid would see how cool he was and he'd get his own dragon as a bonus. If Hiccup won (however unlikely that was), then the better Viking indeed won the day. Hiccup had a pet NightFury, he was a legend told throughout the Archipelago. He was now the coolest Viking he's ever met. No wonder Astrid liked him. "I'll let you go out with Astrid."
"Gee, thanks. I think I say who I date. Not you." Astrid sassed.

Well, that backfired.

"How about, if I win, you have to do me a favour?" Hiccup interjected diplomatically. Wait, his wimpy dragon-riding cousin was actually considering it?
Well, there was no way Hiccup could win. Sure he had a NightFury and a very cool fight suit, and now stood a few extra inches over his head, but he was still the thin Hiccup he remembered. He couldn't have gotten that good at fighting right?


So wrong.

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