Chapter 5

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Over a time of flying, the dragons seemed to disperse their separate ways until it was just Hiccup, her, and the dragons they were riding.

The pair didn't speak the entire time they were in the air. Astrid wasn't used to flying enough to multitask flying and a meaningful conversation yet. Not to mention she was several meters in the sky, hanging onto a speeding dragon for dear life without a saddle.

They both soon spotted a wide sea stack and silently agreed to land.

"Are you okay?" Hiccup asked worriedly as he slid off the NightFury and took his helmet off in one perfected motion. While she slipped off Stormfly with much less grace.
"Yeah, I admit it: Dragons are kinda cool. They aren't mindless, they're... amazing." She stated, scratching Stormfly's chin. Seeing the blissful look on the dragon, she continued, "oh, you like that do you?"
Then the dragon's eyes suddenly rolled back and it fell bonelessly on the floor.

"Stormfly!" Astrid yelled, frantically kneeling to check her dragon.
"It's okay! You just found the sweet spot. She's not hurt, she's happy, look." A rumbling purr emitted from the sleeping blue-gold dragon confirmed Hiccup's explanation. "She'll be like that for a few minutes... I'm glad you named her, it... it makes me hopeful dragons and Vikings can find peace."
She looked up and spied the black dragon by Hiccup's side that was eyeing her curiously. "What's that one's name?"
"Astrid, meet Toothless. Toothless, meet Astrid." He introduced, waving his hands in a friendly gesture. Toothless as he was dubbed took this chance to step forward and sniff Astrid. She held her hand out for him and had the same result as Stormfly. She smiled at the dragon.

"How long have you been looking after Hiccup, Toothless?" She asked teasingly, getting an amused cue in response. "That long huh? Dear, that must've been tough." She replied scratching the dragon's head. "Dealing with his rambling, trying to get his head out of the clouds - when you weren't literally in them I imagine." She chuckled, Toothless warbling a laugh?
"I'm right here!"
"Shush, I'm not finished talking to your friend Toothless, here." She scolded mockingly as said dragon gave an amused warble in resonance as Hiccup pouted. "Wow, if someone told me I'd be talking to a NightFury a week ago I'd have assumed they'd gone mad." She mused, scratching Toothless's neck, then she found the sweet spot under the NightFury's chin.

"Now we're both stuck here till they wake up," Hiccup muttered, still not over being mocked.
"Okay, then that gives us time to talk." She stated, getting up and moving closer.

"So are you going to leave and never return, or could you come back?" She asked forwardly.
"Astrid, if we come back Toothless'll be killed on sight!" He reasoned, wildly gesturing to the dozing dragon.
"By that logic, I can't go back with Stormfly either. Hiccup, if we come back riding dragons rather than fighting them, then there's a chance we could end this three-hundred-year-old war."
"I don't know. It seems too risky." He mumbled, head down, hands clenched. His eyes dulled with... fear? Denial? Regret?

Astrid didn't like this, it was...

"You just took down the entirety of Outcast Island's defences! You train dragons! The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself, no less! People fear your name to the point of becoming a legend! Are you telling me you didn't take risks for all that?"
"That was different. I was never intentionally seen... I avoided people in general except to trade with people that didn't have any ties with Berk." He countered weakly. It was like he was fishing for excuses.
"It sounds lonely." She sympathised.
"I always had Toothless." He countered immediately.
"That's not what I meant."
"... I know... I guess I'm more afraid of what my Dad'll think. What he could do to Toothless." He waved his hands randomly as if it helped prove his point. His caring eyes showed intelligence as the gears in his head turned. There's the Hiccup she lo- knew.
The Hiccup she knew.

"So, if I promise to help you face him, will you come back to Berk with me?"
"I don't know."
"Pleeease?" She couldn't believe this, she was begging? Fearless Astrid Hofferson was begging?
"Alright, but why does it matter? I'm sure the rest of the village has forgotten me by now." He replied hopelessly, standing near the edge of the Sea Stack, staring out at the sea.
"Your dad hasn't, he locked himself away for three seasons before returning to his duties. Gobber hasn't. He bursts into tears anytime someone mentions you. Even Fishlegs misses you dearly..."
"And you?" He glanced her way. Was that a hopeful glint in his eye?
"Everyday." She replied unhesitatingly honest. She didn't even need to think about it.
"You didn't seem to recognize me in the cave."
"I thought it was a trick of the light. I thought you were dead and I didn't want to get my hopes up if you were someone else, plus you have changed quite a bit since I last saw you."
"Oh, r-right... would you say it was a change for the better, o-or...?"
"I think so. I liked that fire sword thing too, by the way."

She stepped closer, looking out at the calm horizon. Both of them, simply enjoying the peaceful quiet. Together.
Astrid noticed Stormfly starting to stir behind them, then she remembered something.

"Now, on other matters:" She stated before swinging her arm at him.
"OWW! Wha- what th- what!" Hiccup asked, rubbing his arm.
"That's what you owed me!" She explained accusingly. "And for running away!"
"It's not like I had much of a choice! I would've been outcasted any-"

He was cut off by her kissing him. Once he got over his shock, he reciprocated and kissed her back.

"That's for everything else." She whispered when they parted.

Without giving him a second to recover, she climbed on Stormfly and took off.

Hiccup stood there blankly, a dopey smile dawning his face, at least until he was nudged by a certain black dragon."Oh, right, you're up. Let's catch up with her, Bud."And with that, they took to the clear sky, to catch up with the blue-gold dragon.

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