Chapter 6

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"Ya can't be serious 'bout this Stoick! He ain't called Treacherous for nothin' ya know!" A one-armed one-legged blond-haired blacksmith begged his chief. They were already out on the open sea but Gobber insisted he tag along, everyone was now regretting the decision. "Wouldn't surprise me if this was all a trap. I mean the Dragon Master's just a legend! Alvin's gotta be a fool ta fall for that tall tale!"
"You were just as upset as everyone to lose Berk's best warrior. Now you're telling me I shouldn't go? Make up ya mind, Gobber!"

"NADDER!" Snotlout shouted excitedly at the bow of the ship, interrupting the argument. Fishlegs beside him looked fearful, but he had a noble cause to save his friend; over the questionable Snotlout who had come because 'he couldn't leave his princess in distress.' Everyone except him could see the lass had no Thor-Damned interest in him.
"We'll discuss this later. Let's just focus on keepin' this boat afloat."
"Ya're avoidin' the problem! I've seen ya take on far more than a Nadder and keep up a conversation!"
"Not now Gobber!"
"NIGHTFURY!" Fishlegs' screeched. He looked like he was about to pass out.
"Get down!"

The two dragons circled high over the boat. Annoyingly just out of reach of them.
"What're they doin'? Discussin' how to finish us off?"
"GET READY!" Stoick roared to the crew.
"Ow, not so loud!" A nearby barrel complained, gaining the attention of both the blacksmith and the chief.
"Quiet idiot! You'll blow our cover!" A second barrel scolded.
"Okay, we don't have time for this, any stowaways who reveal themselves right now an' help fight off these dragons, don't get as much punishment as those who don't."
"But we still get punishment?" The first barrel asked.
"I think they're onto us." Urgently replied the second barrel.
"Wait, we get to fight a NightFury?" The first barrel realized. All of sudden the twins had exploded out their cunning disguises and were standing at the ready.

"Tuffnut! Ruffnut! Ya were banned from boardin' a boat since that dockin' incident a year ago!" Gobber scolded.
"Yeah, we know. That's why we snuck on board!" Ruffnut explained in a duh tone.
"Why ar' ye here, anyway?"
"Cause Astrid's our friend." Ruffnut rolled her eyes at the stupid questions.
"And cause we wanna fight Outcasts," Tuffnut added.
"Yeah, mainly the Outcasts." Ruffnut agreed, headbutting her brother. Stoick huffed a sigh, rubbing his eyes.
"Focus, NightFury overhead."
"Oh yeah, ohhh, maybe it's the Dragon Master cool guy?" Tuffnut awed. Gobber and Stoick sharing a look.
"As I said, ya gotta be a fool ta believe in that tall tale."


"GET READY!" The dragon riders heard.

"No you're right, that is a Berkian ship. Hey, maybe they were planning on rescuing you after all!" Hiccup cheered. She sent him a smug look. They heard a crash so they looked down.
"Oh no, is that the twins?" Astrid worried. She still wasn't used to riding Stormfly, but there wasn't anywhere to land (asides the boat in question). At least they weren't exactly moving.
"We better save that boat from its own destruction!" Hiccup exclaimed seriously.

"We can't exactly get any closer than this without them throwing bolas at us. Plus, weren't you worried about Toothless?" She questioned.
"Yeah. See that tail?" Her gaze followed the lines of metal and string running down the length of the dragon, all leading to an artificial half tail.
"You built that?"
"Yep. He can't fly very well without me, but I've been making improvements." He pulled a lever on the complicated saddle and the tail flared out as wide as it could, stiffly staying there. "Maybe it's about time Berkiens learn who the legendary Dragon Master truly is."
"Are you sure you're up for this?"
"... No. But If we don't tell them you're here - safe - then they'll go to Outcasts, and I doubt anyone will be too happy in that meeting."
"So how do we go down without being shot out of the sky? What can we do?"
"Well, I've got a rather stupid idea."
"Good, but you already did that when you ran away."
"Then this is something crazy." He grinned. "Just wait for my signal before you come down."
With that, she watched in horror as he slid off of Toothless.

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