Every Second Counts (1)

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It was just another typical day. I was lying on my bed, blasting my music through my earphones and tapping my pencil I held in my hand against the side of my bed. I was suppose to be doing my math homework, but instead it lay spread out across my bed and untouched for at least an hour. I got bored easily and just decided to lay there and listen to some of my music.

I really did hate math, and I didn't want to be spending hours each night doing it. I always thought it was stupid. I mean, when are we ever actually going to use any of this? Of course education was good and I should always try my hardest with everything I do, which I almost always do, but seriously speaking; no one ever actually uses this when they are older. No matter how much they tell you that you will, you wont. 

I had a huge variety of music on my iPod so I don’t stick to just one kind of music. I don’t have as much rap or heavy metal but I do still have one or two songs. I tend to connect with a lot of my songs, but that doesn’t mean they are all slow and sappy. Anyways, I usually sit upstairs after school and just blast my music through my earphones and probably busting my ear drums. I ddin't really care much, as long as it was a good song. 

“Adriana!” I heard my moms voice suddenly cut in through my music and I cringed as I pulled one earphone out and immediately turned the music down. I looked up at her, a thoughtful look on my face as I tried to look as innocent a possible.

My mother was never one to mess with. She was getting pretty old and fast but that didn’t stop her from not doing anything she wanted; or stop her from bossing me around every second of the day. Of course she's my mom but I still didn't like to be bossed around every single day, but I knew if I didn't listen to her she would just freak out and say how she never gets any help around here.

My mom, Annabelle, had very short, light grey hair that she refused to style any different way. She also had green eyes, complete opposite from my dull, grey blue ones, and a very pale looking face all the time. Of course the older you get the more tired and worn out you look my my mother still managed to look beautiful. She wore plain, simple clothes and didn't really care too much about jewelry. She only wore one simple ring-her wedding ring that my father had given her on their wedding day many years ago. She treasured it and swore never to take it off.

I honestly don't really know where I got my looks from. I had shoulder length, blond, curly hair that was always so hard to control and keep slightly normal looking. Of course it wasnt really that bad until you trid to tie it back and ended up spening three hours before giving up. I also had strange grey blue eyes which seemed to change colours, darkening or becoming lighter, according to allof my friends. I was pretty well the complete opposite of my mom! I sure wasnt anything special though, just plain old Adriana. 

Well as horrid as I made my mom sound, she is such an amazing and powerful women that I would hate to loose and not have in my life. Of course she just wanted the best from me in in everything I did and I would always try to make her proud.

“Adriana did you even hear what I just said to you?” My mother asked me, snapping me out of my daze. I looked up at her with a hopeful, innocent look on my face.

She sighed as she pulled the laundry basket she was holding in her arms up closer to her chest so that she could support it better as she stood here lecturing me. She just looked down at me, one of those looks on her face as if she was expecting something from me. I just shrugged as I pulled my other earphone out and looked up at her, making sure she knew that she now had my full attention.

“I need you to pick up some laundry detergent from Walmart after school tomorrow please,” she looked down at me as I sighed. I just nodded and she turned away, heading for the door. She stopped before leaving and turned back around to face me before I put my earphones back in, “I hope you have finished that homework of yours.”

Of course she would ask me to go get the stupid laundry detergent for her. I would have to drive all th way across town right after school just to pick it up. Meanwhile, Im sure she is going to be driving by Walmart several times today. I didnt say anything though because I knew better than to fight against my mom. 

All I did was nod and smile sweetly at her. She would always do that; come running to me when she needed something even though she was clearly capable of getting it herself. I didnt really mind though, I mean she would boss me around a lot, but thats what moms do right?

She then left me sitting in the peace and quiet of my room. I plugged my earphones back in and jammed them into my ears, blasting my music again. I didn’t want to do my math homework, but I figured it would be best if I did. So, I reached over and pulled my math binder onto my lap and looked at the question in the textbook. I was actually almost done so I knew it wouldn’t take me that much longer. I still hated doing homework though, and I usually saved it for late at night for some reason; just like I did today.

I luickly finished off the last few questions I had for math homework before closing my binder and shoving it into my purple and black school bag that lay beside my bed. I still thought the math was stupid even though I always finished all of my work. I wasn't a slacker, or a drop-out, or anything even close to that:  I would always get my work done, and on time.

I just jammed all of my book and everything into my bag, not really caring too much about it before I climbed under the covers of my bed. I lay there, staring at the blank, soft orange wall on the opposite side of the room. It was the only wall in my room that was actually painted.

My dad and I had decided that we were going to paint my room because the walls were so bare and I wasn’t suppose to put stuff on them. So for awhile I had blank, white walls which I really despised.  My dad was the one who actually suggested painting my room so he let me choose the colour. I picked a soft orange because it reminded me of all the sunsets just the two of used to watch together. So, we started painting it together and we only got that one wall done until my mom came home and pretty much freaked. Well, lets just say we never got to finish the rest of my room.

I lay there, staring at the wall that brought back all of the memories. I still had my music in my ears as I rested my head against my light blue pillows. I could feel my eyes slowly closing and the last thing I saw was the sun setting against my blank walls.  

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