Chapter 10

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Alex's POV

Soon after the crunches, Kai left, so I was able to focus on what Derek taught me. We did some light cardio before jumping rope, learning how to tape my knuckles and ankles, and talking about how next time, we would start the actual kickboxing. Well, at least the basics. By the end of our session, I was exhausted, and my legs felt like jelly. Derek seemed to think it was hilarious, though.

After I had grabbed my stuff from the locker room, I met Derek back up at the front to sign out. I could manage carrying my bag of clothes, but my backpack felt like someone had replaced each pencil with a fifty-pound weight.

"You want me to grab that for you, princess?" Derek laughed as we walked outside into the cool air. It was around 6pm, so we only had spent a few hours at the gym.

"Ha ha, very funny," I rolled my eyes. "But yes," I mumbled. Derek pulled my backpack off and switched it from my shoulder to his in one swift motion. "I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow, aren't I?"

"Yeah, you're gonna be hurting," Derek smiled. "Stretch tonight before bed and it won't be too unbearable." He unlocked his car, and we both threw our stuff in the backseat. I slid into the passenger's side with ease. My muscles hadn't stiffened too much, but I knew that getting out of the car was going to be an uphill battle. Derek got in too and started up the car. I got busy redoing my hair, which used to be a ponytail. I turned it into two braids as Derek spoke again.

"Do you mind if we stop by my work for a few minutes? I just need to grab something."

"Oh, no, it's okay, I don't mind," I told him honestly. Anything that kept me out of that house was a blessing. We rode in comfortable silence with the radio playing soft music that I didn't recognize. Even though he probably won't admit it, I knew Derek felt pretty tired, too.

The second we stepped inside, a woman with blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail came up to us and handed Derek a folder.

"The newest case file, we leave tomorrow," she told him. Then, she turned to me. "You're Alex, right? I'm J.J."

"Hi, nice to meet you," I smiled. She seemed sweet but busy. Right after the introductions, she left, probably to finish some more work. Derek put his hand on my shoulder, starting to lead me to a tall, skinny guy and a blonde woman wearing a yellow dress. That's unexpected, considering we're in the BAU building.

"You mind hanging out with these guys for a few while I grab my stuff?" Derek asked.

"No, that's fine," I agreed. We were only a few feet away when the guy motioned my way, causing the blonde to look at me. I suddenly felt very shy, that is, until she smiled warmly and embraced me in a hug.

"Hi! You must be Alex!" she exclaimed, right in my ear, I might add. I didn't really mind, though. "I've heard so much about you!" She let go of me but still held onto my arms, getting a good look at me.

"Alex, this is Penelope Garcia and Spencer Reid," Derek explained.

"Nice to meet you. Both of you," I told them.

"Derek tells me you just finished studying criminal psychology, is that correct?" Reid asked me. I nodded. "What was your thesis?"

"Well, the topic is media violence, and we're focusing on the impact tv and social media affects children, especially with no adult supervision," I said, slightly proud of myself for remembering.

"Did you know that in a 1998 study, the wide majority of scientists studying this issue concluded that about 36% of children and teens under 16 years of age-"

"You guys geek out for a few, and I'll be right back," Derek announced, cutting Reid off mid-sentence. Derek walked away, leaving me with two people I had just met. Thankfully, they both seemed really cool.

"So, Alex," Penelope said before Reid could say anything else. "How old are you, kiddo? You look like a teenager, but you graduated college."

"Oh, I'm 17. I'm a senior in high school, so I still have a full day of classes, but when I was still in college, I would take all my classes at 4pm and later, and I took the bus from my high school to college everyday," I explained.

"Looks like we got another kid genius. You're getting replaced, Reid," Penelope laughed. Reid just rolled his eyes, and both Penelope and I laughed. "So, what do you do for fun?"

"Um, study, I guess? And now, Derek's teaching me kickboxing, so that's cool."

"So no clubs, sports?" Penelope looked slightly concerned.

"I never really had time for that," I half-lied. "But I don't mind, really. I have enough on my plate as is, with school and friends and all that." Okay, I made up the friends part, but it seemed to brighten her back up, so I didn't regret it.

"We should get lunch sometime. You know, have a girls day," Penelope suggested.

"Only girls?" Reid asked.

"You can come too, I guess," she joked.

"You ready to go, kid?" Derek appeared behind me, holding a few folders. I nodded.

"You're not invited, Mr. Macho Man. Sorry," Penelope said. Derek laughed, shaking his head.

"I don't even want to know," he gave up.

"Great to meet you all! I hope I'll see you guys again soon," I told them honestly.

"You too, girlie, stay cute," Penelope smiled.

"Derek, give her my email so she can send me that thesis. It sounds really interesting. In fact, maybe sometime we could discuss the greater impact of media on the sub-culture of-"

"See you guys tomorrow, bright and early," Derek cut him off again. Reid didn't seem to mind though. He seemed used to it.

"They seem really cool," I broke the silence after a few minutes of driving. Something was definitely on Derek's mind. I could feel the weight of his thoughts lingering in the space between us as the soft music on the radio rang through the cool air. He took a deep breath, as if he was about to say something, but nothing came out. "Derek?" I finally asked, staring him down. I know he could feel my gaze, so I used that to my advantage.

"Would it make you feel more safe if you spent a few nights at my place?" he finally asked, catching me completely by surprise.

"You already know the answer to that," I replied, wording the next half of my sentence carefully, "which means you already know it wouldn't be a good idea. They could get you for kidnapping charges, and trust me, they'd arrest you if they could." Derek sighed, rubbing his head.

"Just...please keep your phone with you, just in case. And tell me if anything, and I really do mean anything, happens."

"Okay," I agreed, even though we both knew I wouldn't snitch.

And that's how it went for the next two weeks. For a few days, I'd go to the gym by myself while Derek was away on work. Those days, I wouldn't get much done. I'd usually be too distracted by Kai. We didn't actually talk to each other. We nodded hello sometimes, but that was about it. I wasn't about to make the first move, though. It was better knowing I didn't have a chance than taking a chance and getting hurt. Especially when I was so close to getting out of the system.\

At least, that's how it went until my next "therapy session."

Author's note: hi my lovelies! let me know what you think of this story so far! stay safe :)

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